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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Don't know what the Zerb's been watching... 

Antonia Zerbisias is on a tirade about how Rosie O'Donnell got fired because she was fat, ugly and loud (Full Disclosure: This has happened to me a time or two before). Really, with friends like Zerb, Rosie doesn't need enemies.

Rude, lewd, crude Rosie O'Donnell was leaving ABC's daytime talk show The View.

Naturally, King was obligated to seek out The Combover Which Talks, Donald Trump.

"She's a disgusting person," said Trump, who has been trading insults with O'Donnell since January. "She's a slob."

Alright, now that everyone has stated the obvious, let's look at where Zerb went wrong in this article (since up till now I agree with her).

More dangerous than taking on Trump, who was followed on CNN by another outsized, outrageous woman: Roseanne Barr, also known for her crotch-grabbing and blunt talk.

Unlike all the blond-trophy-second-wife types flanking old men co-hosts all over the TV grid, neither Barr nor O'Donnell shut up and look pretty.

Not a single mainstream media news show is hosted by a woman who is aggressive and candid, the way that Bill O'Reilly is on Fox, or Joe Scarborough or Keith Olbermann are on MSNBC. There is no female David Letterman, Jay Leno, Jimmy Kimmel or Bill Maher.

Oprah Winfrey, as revealed on Bill Moyers' outstanding post-mortem on the pre-Iraq media last week, shut up audience members who questioned the Bushies. Ellen DeGeneres hasn't uttered a controversial word since she yelled, "I'm gay!" on her sitcom 10 years ago.

Has no network found the courage to offer, say, Sarah Silverman or Janeane Garofalo a platform? Or will O'Donnell's replacement be Red State straight?

I don't know which fallacy to deal with first. Let's start with the noisiest: Janeane Garofolo. Garofolo was practically given her own radio station, and there was no market for her bullshit. Air America tanked.

Sarah Silverman plays both sides of the political sphere, and that's why she's loved and hated by all. Good for her - excellent career ahead of her.

Greta van Susteren - arguably the ugliest woman on television, is one of Fox News's biggest draws.

Tammy Bruce (a lesbian) and Michelle Malkin (a minority) regularly appear on or even guest-host Bill O'Reilly's show. They are Republicans. How wicked of them, going against the grain like that.

Antonia, I must ask if you've ever even watched Fox News, or if you are like those blinkered pro-CBC types who wanted Fox banned in Canada? Because there are plenty of loud, opinionated and even somewhat unattractive women doing very well out there. They just happen to be conservatives.

Maybe the problem is that no one wants to buy the message you're selling.

H/t: Kathy

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