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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

i can has country? 

NOT from the people who brought you lolcats, comes lolterizts.

Thanks Beth.

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As opposed to the other 364 days 

When the Natives do absolutely nothing except smoke, drink and fuck their daughters. This Friday will mark the Native Day of Action(tm) here in Canada. It's their chance to whine and complain that us white guys who pay 45% in income tax to support their smoking, drinking and daughter-fucking are ripping them off. How they can justify that, we're not entirely certain. But what we can be certain about is that it will cause a new committee or study group to be formed - also at our expense - and it will solve exactly nothing.

I have no sympathy for the plight of the Natives, any more than I do for the Palestinians. In both cases they have the choice to get the hell off the rez, become fully-functioning, voting members of democratic society, but instead they choose to live in concentration camps, hands out to the government, ever ready with a complaint on their lips for the shoddy treatment they chose for themselves. Shut up and get to work, losers. You can bang the drum (not a euphemism for daughters) on the weekends, the way some overgrown white boys still get together to rock out in a garage band. But Monday to Friday belongs to The Man, same as it does for the rest of us.

Which neatly segues into an article I read this morning, about the trouble with Native populations sniffing gasoline to get high.

Aboriginals in Labrador are hoping a new fuel that doesn't intoxicate gas sniffers could help solve a persistent problem among young people in their communities.

But even though BP has offered the formula free to anyone who promises to produce it, it's still not clear how Opal gas, developed in Australia, could be brought to the Canadian communities that want it.

"We'd love to have it available in Canada," said BP spokeswoman Anita Perry. "The issue really is logistics."

Opal gas was developed as a partial response to the problem of gas-sniffing in aboriginal communities in Australia.

Daniel Pottle, a member of the Nunatsiavut government created by the Labrador Inuit land claim, heard about the product last Christmas through contacts with a business development group at Newfoundland's Memorial University. Intrigued, he travelled Down Under this spring with a delegation of Inuu, Inuit and government officials to see what Opal's effect has been.

"Where the product is being used, gas sniffing is no longer an issue," he said. "We came back with a very positive impression of this product."

This is taking things a little bit too far. When we're in the process of trying to stave off environmental damage, and reduce dependency on foreign oil, BP is wasting their time and energy creating a sniff-proof gasoline to deal with the huffing problem so common among native populations. And now Canadian natives from Newfoundland want in on it. Guess who pays?

Yup - that's right. You and I, the whipped taxpayer. We're not paying enough in gasoline taxes, now we're expected to foot the bill so the notoriously substance-abusing natives will have one less thing to huff? Here's a better idea: why not just remove petrol stations from reservations? Then when they complain that they can't get around, can't get out to bingo or whatever, can't fill their snowmobiles, freeze to death in their Northern climes etc, we can remind them why. Bad enough most reservations have to lock innocuous substances like mouthwash and cough syrup behind the pharmacy counters. I, for one, do not wish to be buying these people snort-proof gas because they can't take responsibility for their own lives.

Let's not have just ONE day of Native Action. Let's have 365 days of it. Maybe then they'd find they only have the same problems everybody else has, and not these bizarre problems that seem to proliferate while you sit collecting the dole and looking for something to complain about. You know what? Make it 364 days - they can have Christmas off like everybody else.

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Like Infidels through an hourglass... 

....these are the Sands of Passion.

See Part 1 here

This is part 2:

See part 3 here

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Monday, June 25, 2007

This is a job I could enjoy! 

She has had the rare honour of serving her country at the same time as serving those who serve.

And Julie Brown, amongst many other brave civilians who have done a tour in Afghanistan, is a special kind of war veteran.

"It was life changing," said Brown, who has been back from Kandahar just one week after six months of working in the famous Tim Hortons franchise at the Kandahar Airfield. "I was so proud to be able to do my part to help these fine men and women who sacrifice so much."

The 34-year-old Cookstown mother of two sacrificed as well.

For six months she put herself in harm's way to take the job at the Tim's in a war zone.

I would love to do something like this. This heavy, broken body of mine would be virtually useless in the army, but I'd gladly serve up double-doubles for the men and women doing the hard work. I would consider it an honor.

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Taliban Boy Mubin Shaikh says some terror suspects innocent 

Some suspects in terror case are innocent, informant says:

Some of the suspects charged in Canada's most high-profile terrorism case are innocent and should be released, according to a key RCMP informant and prosecution witness.

"[I'd like to see] for those who are responsible, those who are of a significant and serious threat ... it's important they face the consequences of their actions, and that those who are not guilty be released sooner rather than later," Mubin Shaikh said in an interview yesterday.

Mr. Shaikh, whose work as an informant played a pivotal role in an investigation that led to terrorism charges against 18 Toronto-area suspects last summer, pointed specifically to one of the accused, Steven Chand, as being innocent. Mr. Shaikh also said he had seen no evidence suggesting another suspect, Jamal James, had done anything wrong.

Mr. Shaikh's position poses a unique dilemma for the prosecution in the terrorism trial, as the informant's testimony will likely be key in building a case against some of the accused. He made his comments yesterday in an interview at a northwest Toronto courthouse. The RCMP informant was in court on assault charges related to an April 3 incident involving two Grade 7 schoolgirls near Kane Middle School in Etobicoke.

The assault charges have not been proved in court and are unrelated to the terrorism case. "It has no relevance to the other case," he said, adding that the schoolgirls initiated the incident by making offensive remarks about his appearance.

Mr. Shaikh, who has a long beard and wears traditional Islamic dress, said some schoolchildren passing by his father's home in Etobicoke began calling him "Osama Bin Laden" and "Taliban boy." When the school kids got closer to the home, he said he approached them, at which point they ran away. As she was running, one of the girls tripped and fell, Mr. Shaikh said, adding that at no point did he touch any of the schoolgirls. The girls' story, he said, is fabricated and "exaggerated grotesquely."

Taliban boy and Osama Bin Laden Look-alike Mubin Shaikh has never been an inspiring choice. I realize that in the world of informants the pickings are slim but Taliban Boy Mubin is clearly the bottom of the barrel.

Bet those Grade 7 girls would have whooped his sorry ass too......

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

At Kandahar airfield, when Layton's face appears on TV, soldiers jeer 

Every Canadian fatality in Afghanistan has an addendum, a pro forma epitaph:

"We mourn the loss ...''

"The deaths of these brave men will not be in vain ...''

"They died doing what they believed in ...''

Rosie Dimmano has a fine column today.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Urgent plea for items in Landstuhl 

Please see here for details. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

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Tehran Weekly Friday Hate... 

Todays Weekly Friday Hate highlights provided by Provisional Friday Prayer Leader of Tehran Hojjatoleslam Ahmad Khatami.

On the Knighthood of Salman Rushdie:

Khatami then focussed on the British Queen's decorating of the disbeliever Salman Rushdie with a Knight Medal, as a sign of Britain's direct confrontation with 1.5 billion Muslims around the globe.

He said, "The old, and decrepit British colonialism that claims to be the standard bearer of the human rights is now awarding a wretched bankrupt fellow that has insulted the sanctities of 1.5 billion Muslims." Posing the question, "Is that the meaning of the human rights and the Western Civilization of yours?" he added, "The old and feeble British Government had better realize now that it is no longer an empire, but an ear-ringed slave of the Americans." Pointing out that the Islamic movement is gaining momentum around the globe, he said, "Under such conditions the height medal of honor of Britain is given to a wretched fellow that knows no art at all." Khatami added, "The Islamic World is unanimously protesting against that new insult, and in Islamic Iran, too, the verdict issued against Salman Rushdie is still in effect, and irrevocable.

He emphasized, "The British had better know they are for sure the losers in this scene."

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Yellow Ribbon Campaign Decals Added to Police Cruisers 

TORONTO/AM 640 TORONTO - Toronto cops are pouring a little salt on one of city council's open wounds. They're adding those "Support Our Troops" magnetic decals on their cruisers.

Union boss Dave Wilson placed the first one on a squad car last night.
City council was forced to do an about-face this week after the public outcry over a demand to have the decals removed from Toronto's fire trucks and ambulances.
The cost of the police decals will be picked up by their union.



Anti-Semites at the UN? Nah................ 

Courtesy Judeoscope & UN Watch.

Canada opposed permanent indictment of Israel by UN Human Rights Council:

Judeoscope note: Canada opposed this week the adoption of the pseudo-reform package of the UN Human Rights Council which stands in utter contradiction to the aim of making the one-year old UN body a truly objective, fair, and unpolitical authority on human rights after its predecessor, the discredited Commission on Human Rights, was disbanded in 2006.

Canada especially opposed the singling out of Israel as the only country whose human rights record will stand as a permanent agenda item of the Council.

Despite Canada’s objection to the reform package the dictatorship and EU-dominated council moved to state that the reform package was adopted “by consensus”.



Thursday, June 21, 2007

I hate the BBC 

From the Lone Voice - I hate the BBC- and we thought our CBC was Bad:

"It would be so bad were it not the fact that in order to watch tv here in the UK we have to purchase a tv license, used to fund the biased BBC.They dont seem to regard security as important either...Politicians reacted in disbelief to the revelation that for over two hours yesterday, the BBC News website carried a request for people in Iraq to report on troop movements."

Also visit Theo Spark recently voted most obnoxious UK blogger or some other such fitting title.



Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dhimmitude or Death......! 

Hamas states its case clearly that minorities will not be respected, and if they refuse their dhimmitude, they face either expulsion or death. What sayeth the western apologists for Hamas ? How will they manage to twist this around and use it to blame Israel?

Read it all at Tundra Tabloid - a Right Wing Finnish Blog- thats what I said

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Adler zero's in on the NDP, courtesy Roundhead..

In the NDP's world there are no suburbs, there are no malls and there are no cars. The NDP has this myopic view because it wears lenses that filter out those parts of Canada where it does not harvest very many votes. The average Canadian driving the SUV to Canadian Tire on a Saturday is nearly invisible to them. And, to the extent that the party acnowledges their existence, it is only to use them as objects of bigotry. They are to be lampooned and dismissed as people who are American wannabes or people who have no regard for their community or their planet.

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Toronto votes to keep Support the Troops Yellow Ribbon decals 

Toronto votes to keep troop decals

Quisling Socialist Mayor David Miller see's light of day, tragedy of 3 Soldiers Deaths opens his eyes:

Although Mr. Miller had indicated he wouldn't support the motion, he said today the death of three more soldiers in Afghanistan brought the issue home for him.

Sure it did...

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Of Course We Support Our Troops but.... 

More left-wing lunacy in Toronto as "Support our Troops" yellow ribbon campaign stickers are being removed from Toronto Fire Dept. & EMS vehicles. In a despicable move left wing city council members, (virtually everyone on council), are actively supporting the wishes of the left-wing, anti-war crowd, you know the types, typical Taliban Jack Quislings.

Says socialist Mayor David Miller:

"To some people it's a symbol of support for the war in Afghanistan and [emergency medical services] Chief (Bruce) Farr and others in the city have received a number of calls from people who are concerned about the city expressing an opinion on the war. The program was always scheduled to last for a year. It will be wrapped up this fall."

Also note this councillor's name Janet Davis:

"Councillor Janet Davis, who was caught by a CTV cameraman arguing with Councillor Brian Ashton and asking "who gave permission to put them on in the first place," was on CITY-TV with Anne Rohmer and said the decals "send the message that the City of Toronto supports the mission in Afghanistan, and I don't believe we should be sending that message."

Frances Nunziata with the support of fellow councillor Brian Ashton have called for a vote at 2 pm today to determine whether the Yellow Ribbon Campaign Stickers will remain on Toronto Fire & EMS Vehicles.

Contact Mayor Miller to voice your concern:

E-mail: mayor_miller@toronto.ca
Mail:Toronto City Hall,
2nd Floor, 100 Queen St. West,
Toronto ON M5H 2N2
Phone: 416-397-CITY

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

We were on a break!!! 

Sorry y'all. I have to take a few (more) days off. Too much going on in real life right now. Work stuff. Such is life.



Thursday, June 14, 2007

Maybe this kid will learn that crime leads to bad things 

The bleeding hearts of the Toronto Star would have you believe that yesterday's dawn raid on the black gangs of North Toronto (which netted 95 perps, guns, drugs, and dirty money) were bad because they scared the children.

Here's a different perspective on yesterday's police raids.

It comes from Andrene, who is 10 years old and experienced the first minutes at the end of police guns after officers burst into her bedroom just before dawn.

She was there with her mother, Sharon Mitchell, 32, and baby sister, Alexandra, 2. Down the hall in another bedroom were her cousin, Joanna, 9, and Joanna's mother, Charmaine Osbourne, 30.

"This morning, the police officers, they came and they were kicking down the doors," said Andrene in a solemn voice. "And they came in with their guns and they were pointing at my sister and me.

"My sister got scared and she was crying."

Alexandra was trying to coax Boss, a little white poodle-mix, to play. But the dog whined. The fur on its left side was burned to the skin.


She is angry that police had children at gunpoint. A supervisor for the Toronto school board, Osbourne said police should have known better than to do that, especially when she believes their surveillance would have shown children lived there.

Osbourne and her daughter, Joanna, hit the floor at the first blast, but police ordered them back up on the bed. "They had both of us on the bed with high-powered rifles pointed at us," said Osbourne, claiming they were held at gunpoint for about half an hour before being allowed to wait outside the house.

"My daughter was crying like there was no end to it. She was there crying and they had a gun on her.

I would be far more worried about having my criminal brother in the house with my little girls than having the cops come in. No children were harmed yesterday, but Toronto has seen little kids caught in gang crossfire many times over the past couple of years, some even losing their lives. As a matter of fact, child services should take those kids away and charge the mother with endangerment just for letting a gang-banger in the house with them.

As for little Andrene, let me tell you a little story...

It was 1984 and I was eight years old when we heard the banging and the boot steps that seemed to come from everywhere. It was winter, and it had darkened early. I was in the living room, in front of the bay window through which there was only blackness and the reflection of the TV, watching Three's Company. My father was in the next room, on the phone. He looked out the window, slammed down the phone, and ran out to the living room. I was grabbed unceremoniously from the La-Z-Boy and herded to my bedroom just as the pounding began on our front door. "Stay here" he said. "Don't you dare leave this room!"

The noise coming from the upper duplex above us was deafening. Yelling, a scream, more boots. I hid under the bed, terrified. What was going on? Who was at the door? What was happening to my daddy? Soon the door was opened by my mother, and our doberman was shoved in with me, the door closed again. Valentine (the dog) crawled under the bed with me (classic misconception that dobies are scary animals - really they're big pussies), shaking and whimpering. I put my arm around her and we cowered there for an hour, until the noise stopped. Until Daddy came back to get me.

I've just told you a story from an 8 year old's perspective - scared, unsure, clutching her dog, wondering if her daddy would ever come back. That little girl was me. Now I will tell you the adult version of what happened, which was explained to me that night and that I have never forgotten. Robert Mingo, our upstairs neighbor, with his two brothers Melvin and Nelson, had stolen $68 million of stocks and bonds from Merrill Lynch. They hid the suitcases in our shared garage, in an old car my father had up on blocks. That night, after thorough investigation, our duplex was descended on by the Montreal SWAT team, who surrounded the building, guns pointed at every door and window. They busted into Mingo's upstairs, ordering everyone, including Robert's heavily pregnant wife, face down on the ground. The team ransacked the house, and all were arrested. They came to our door and dragged my father outside, down into the garage, to present him with his suddenly valuable car, and to do preliminary questioning. Obviously he had no idea what was going on, and he was free to return to his terrified family (and dog).

I learned a very valuable lesson that night. I learned that if you commit crimes, bad things happen. You might be a nice person (the Mingo's were extremely nice people, and used to have barbecues with us), you might be friendly and family oriented. But bad things will still happen if you break the law. The cops came to my house, heavily armed. I was afraid. But ever since that night, I have not feared them. Once it was explained who they were and what they were looking for, I knew I was in no danger from them. Twice more in my life I have been in situation where the SWAT team were involved, and I was never afraid. I merely did what I could to protect myself should there be shooting (get in a room without windows, stay low), and I knew that when it was over the bad guys would be gone.

I hope Andrene realizes that they weren't coming for her - they meant her no harm. She was just in a dangerous place at a dangerous time, but that the police are not to blame. Her mother and her uncle are to blame for putting her in that situation. The police are responsible for getting her out of it. Good for them.

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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Just another Saturday in the Center of the Universe (TM) 

Another shooting in Toronto. Yawn.

One person is dead and three others are wounded after a shooting in Etobicoke on Saturday afternoon.

Two of the victims are in hospital with life-threatening injuries.

Police say shots rang out at about 3 p.m. on Jamestown Crescent near Martingrove and Finch in what may have been a drive-by shooting.

For readers not from Toronto, that area is all Jamaican immigrants. You'll frequently hear stories about Toronto's gangs. It all happens within a small radius in the northwest part of town.

If we'd just stop letting them in, sooner or later there'd be no one left for the gangs to shoot. Pity.

For real entertainment, read the comments in the Globe piece. Tractors! Gophers! Hilarious!

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Stick a pencil between your teeth and shut up! 

A segment of animated footage promoting the 2012 Olympic Games in London has been removed from an official website following fears it could trigger epileptic seizures.

The jigsaw-style logo is made up of four jagged pieces that form "2012" in a series of colours, and was meant to engage people with a dynamic, modern and moving style, organizers said.

While the logo itself does not pose a health hazard, 18 people have reported having epileptic seizures after viewing the animated footage.

A section depicting a diver plunging into a pool that has a multicoloured rippled effect triggered the most complaints.

"I'm really shocked," said Simon Wigglesworth of Epilepsy Action, a British health charity. "They know flashing lights can cause problems."

Natural selection, foiled again by the PC Police. What a load of bollocks. If you can't even watch TV or surf the net without getting hurt, may I suggest offing yourself now and saving us all the trouble of caring for you and your neuroses?

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Are your children happy? In one of the grossest displays of nanny-statism, British schools are introducing "happiness tests" for children as young as four years old.

Children as young as four are to take "happiness tests" in a controversial drive to force schools to improve the well-being of pupils, it has emerged.

Thousands of youngsters are expected to be quizzed on whether they are feeling optimistic, confident, loved and interested in other people.

They will be set questionnaires similar to the self-help quizzes found in women's magazines to check they are "feeling good about myself" and "dealing with problems well".

Tellingly, the article does not advise what happens if a child is deemed "unhappy". I assume the Labour-government thought-police will saunter in to remove the child from his unhappy environment and send him to a Labour Youth training and indoctrination camp. Chilling.

The Government's £20million emotional literacy initiative encourages activities such as "worry boxes", where pupils write down their anxieties and post them into a box, and "emotional barometers",

If I were still paying taxes in Britain, I'd want my money back.

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Overheard at the Cotillion 

Here's a link to the toilet...

Never a dull moment, folks.



Save a life and it's a cult; blow up a pizzaria and it's a religion 

I abhor freak cults of all kinds, from the Raelians to the Jehova's Witnesses to Scientology. And I have - on more than one occasion - described Islam as a cult of sex and death. I believe this to be true. And I believe that its adherents are brainwashed into believing that if you murder in the name of Mohammed and Allah, you will get laid a lot in Paradise. Islam is a dangerous cult along the lines of Jonestown or the Branch Davidians. They need to be listed as a cult and cleaned out by the FBI.

So imagine my dismay when I read that a member of a Christian Jesus-freak cult wanted to donate a kidney to a sick woman here in Toronto, but the surgery has been cancelled because his parents and hospital authorities fear religious brainwashing. Muslims are allowed to walk around hiding God-knows-what under their black burlap garb and they are afforded "freedom of religion", but this guy can't save a woman's life.

The case has been closely tracked by an Australian film crew because the would-be donor, 22-year-old Ash Falkingham of Sydney, belongs to the controversial Jesus Christians, the "kidney cult" whose members believe that giving up an organ to save someone's life is an exemplary act of devotion to God and humankind.

The Toronto General Hospital cancelled the scheduled transplant following accusations of religious brainwashing, appeals from Mr. Falkingham's mother and stepfather to stop the surgery, and extensive psychiatric assessments of the man after his arrival in Canada.

Remember kids: Killing Jews is an okay religious practice, but don't try to give a kidney to save a life. Only cults do that.

What the hell is this world coming to?

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Religion of Peace murders father & daughter in California 

They don't just spread their hate throughout the Middle East, and they don't just hate those involved in the war in Iraq.

A man held for questioning in the murder of a father and daughter in California was upset with the family because they broke off his relationship with another daughter for religious reasons, court documents indicated.

Friends told the Orange County Register newspaper the victims were devoutly Hindu, and court papers said the religions in question were Hindu and Muslim.

Iftekhar Murtaza, 22, of Los Angeles was arrested on a fugitive warrant Saturday at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in Arizona, and was being held on Wednesday without bail.

The Hindu victims were stabbed, strangled, burned, and their bodies were left on a hiking trail outside Irvine, California.

[T]he girl's mother, Leela Dhanak, 53, was found badly beaten and unconscious in a yard outside.

She was expected to recover.

Another daughter, Shayona, 18, was in her dormitory room at the University of California, Irvine, when the attack occurred and was placed under police protection.

This is the religion we let into our country day after day, and CAIR and others try to convince us that they're just like us. They are not. They are brutal monsters, and the sooner we can abolish the religion of Islam the better. I do not need social reprogramming to become more tolerant - they do. Let's rescue them from their disgusting sex/death cult. Maybe then they'll have a chance to live side by side with other religions and cultures without resorting to murder.

In the meantime, though it shouldn't need to be said, keep your goddam daughters away from these animals.

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Toronto needs a Giuliani 

We need a leader with a zero tolerance mindset. We need someone who will ignore the political correctness of the wailing race pimps and welfare banshees, and kick some criminal ass in Toronto. We don't need more basketball courts, we don't need more after school programs. We need more reform schools, jails and deportations.

Two teenagers are dead and a third is clinging to life after an apparent early-morning police pursuit that ended with a horrific crash in Rexdale yesterday.

A fifteen year old in a stolen Acura, chased by the cops, panics. He loses control, and all hell breaks loose. I wouldn't have thought much of this story at all (sorry, but anything that happens up in that ghetto goes in one ear and out the other now) except that we drove past the cordoned area yesterday. The four of us (Kathy, Mr. Right and our driver) all suspected that it was a shooting. We weren't that far off, considering the cops that chased the kid were in the area responding to a gun call.

The Acura smashed into two eastbound taxis in the intersection at Finch Ave. W. and then crashed into a light pole.

One of the cabs had two young passengers in the backseat, Bliss said. A 16-year-old girl was pronounced dead at the scene and her friend, 17, was taken to Sunnybrook hospital in critical condition.

"It's not looking good," Bliss said of the surviving girl.

The lone occupant of the Acura -- which ended up wrapped around a lamp post -- died in hospital about five hours after the collision.

What a waste. Now the cops are under investigation over whether they should have let the kid go. Are you kidding? Yes, I realize that there are times when officers must make the call as to let a perp go or not, but this chase literally took moments. The SIU will find them without fault, but the press and the race pimps are already screaming for blood.

However, the deaths had some area residents questioning whether police should chase motorists who refuse to stop.

A 54-year-old woman speculated the Acura driver probably "panicked" when he saw the cops on his heels.

"They should have just let him go. Tomorrow is another day," said the woman, who has lived in the neighbourhood for several years. "Now look what's happened, such innocent loss of life."

Why don't we let all criminals go? Jane/Finch would be such a nice quiet neighborhood if it weren't for all those meddling cops trying to keep the peace. Yes, let's let car thieves, rapists, murderers and drug dealers go.

I have a better idea: Let's just fence off Rexdale and go back in 20 years when the place has killed itself off. Then we can build condos and let the cops back in.


In other news, the wailing and grieving over Jordan Manners, the 15 year old grade 9 student who was shot in his Toronto school a little over a week ago, takes an interesting twist. Seems the young darling wasn't such a saint after all.

Hours before Manners was shot he had told Miles the world would be better off without police. One week before that, the same teacher recalled Manners flashing a wad of bills in class – one of many that earned him the nickname "Stackz."

And in early May, Miles had called Loreen Small for the first time to warn her that Jordan was heading down the wrong path – professing admiration for violent behaviour at Jefferys and disrupting classes.

Manners had already seen guns pointed at him "a couple of times" and could distinguish the different types, his teacher said.

Uh huh. I'm shocked, I tell ya. Shocked.

It is, of course, the school system's fault. It has nothing to do with Toronto's black gangs, lack of fathers in the black community, lawlessness in the aforementioned neighborhood or anything like that. It's Whitey's fault. Always. Cry me a long black river.

But Miles thought the 15-year-old could make it through high school. The head of Jefferys' special education department, he had worked intimately with Jordan from the day the Grade 9 student arrived – with a warning attached from Brookview Middle School that he was defiant and out of control. Miles stressed this week, though, that Manners didn't deserve this, that the school had failed him.

Miles said he has been too sickened by Jordan's death to return to teaching at Jefferys.

"The reason I'm taking this so hard is because it was preventable," he said from his home. "I can't walk into that school right now. I can't think of a lesson plan. A lesson in what? How to bring people back from the dead?"

Um, I dunno, how about a lesson in how gangs are no way to live, that easy money comes with a much higher price than taxes, and how maybe it isn't all Whitey's fault and that you should take some goddam responsibility for how your life turns out (or doesn't, in this case)? Maybe that would be a good lesson to teach these kids, because they obviously aren't learning it at home or in the 'hood.


Instead of a Giuliani, Toronto has a mayor who believes in blaming the gun (perhaps he'll also blame the Acura) instead of the hand holding it and pulling the trigger. It can all be solved with more social programs, which we'd have if that miser Stephen Harper would just give us one penny back from the GST. The word misguided does not even begin to describe that logic.

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Saturday, June 02, 2007

Update: Gurkha granted right to live in UK 

Further to this story, an 84-year old Gurkha and Victoria Cross recipient has been granted the right to live out his last days in the country he fought for.

Tul Bahadur Pun, 84, who wanted to move from Nepal for medical reasons, promised to be a "credit" to Britain and expressed "deep gratitude".

He was initially told he did not have enough British ties to move but was eventually granted a visa because his case was "exceptional".

Former Rifleman Mr Pun was awarded his medal for World War II action in Burma.

After the rest of his section, the 3rd Battalion, 6th Gurkha Rifles, had been killed, he carried out a solo attack on a machinegun post.

Actress Joanna Lumley backed Mr Pun's campaign to live in the UK because she said he risked his life to rescue her father.

Mr Pun was informed of the Home Office decision at his current home in Pokhara, Nepal, on Friday.

He said: "I would like to express my deep gratitude to the British people for granting me the privilege to come and live amongst them in a country which I have fought for and love.

"I am overjoyed to learn that I have finally been allowed the right to settle and live in the UK.

"I could not sleep last night, as I was so happy with the news that Great Britain would be allowing me to come and get the medical treatment which is so lacking for many veteran Gurkhas in Nepal."

He added: "I will never forget the 45,000 Gurkhas killed in battle fighting alongside our British friends, nor will I ever forget my British brothers and sisters who have laid-down their lives fighting alongside the Brigade of Gurkhas in numerous theatres of war over the last 200 years.

"In life it is the greatest honour to be a Gurkha, because it is the greatest honour to serve the British people and our Brigade."

All emphasis mine.

Bravo. Sir, you have already proven yourself to be a great credit to Britain, and you needn't lift a finger now. Don't thank Britain - Britain should thank YOU.

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Peaceful Religious Sect plots to blow up JFK Airport 

Islam, the Religion of Peace, has sent forth a bunch more of their smite-all-Jews-and-infidels holy warriors in a plot to blow up the jet fuel lines at JFK. As a gesture of peace to their fellow man, no doubt.

In all, four individuals, including the former Guyana parliament member, Abdul Kadir, and Russell Defreitas, a U.S. citizen and native of Guyana who worked as an airport cargo worker, have been charged with conspiring to attack JFK.

Also in custody are Kareem Ibrahim, a citizen of Trinidad held in Trinidad, and Abdel Nur, a citizen of Guyana. The United States is planning to seek their extradition.

The complaint adds that an informant and Defreitas discussed the war in Lebanon in August 2006 and agreed, "Muslims always incur the wrath of the world while the Jews get a pass."

That's because Muslims keep blowing people up, which incurs our wrath. Jews become doctors. That doesn't piss us off so much.

This particular job had a Caribbean connection, which is new. We're accustomed to North Africans and Arabians. But think of how easy it is for Island blacks to fit in with American immigrant culture. In Toronto, it seems half our city is Jamaican. I have friends in Montreal and Toronto from Trinidad. They are like us. We lower our guard when it comes to terrorism, because we're accustomed to interacting with them daily. And now we have to look askance and investigate just how many terrorist ties there are to the Islands.

Who wants to bet me five blue Canadian dollars that the Flying Imam case suddenly disappears? Anyone?

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