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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Stupid Email of the Day 

Received this morning:

from Rogier Elshout rogier@stekje.nl
to rightgirl@girlontheright.com
date Apr 14, 2007 5:20 AM
subject your banner


While googling for a picture of something, I accindently hitted your site. On your website i saw the capnbob tribute banner. I wanna thank you for bringing it to my attention, because it is great. I think it is hilarious: It looks like something really serious and then in the end you see George W. making his most dumbest face ever with the then very ironical "god bless america". You are right: with a president like that you do have a big probIem. Lets hope that idiot gets out asap! I mailed it to all my friends, i think it might become a hit here! thanks for sharing it!

from Rotterdam, The Netherlands,

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