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Monday, April 23, 2007

Some rain, some chicken, some Jarheads, and Absinthe 

And a sunburn, which is astonishing, since I think we were only out of the car for about 45 non-consecutive minutes yesterday. My Charming Host(tm) took me on a whirlwind tour of more military installations than you can shake a stick at. It's like traveling with the band to do it this way - all-access backstage pass. I felt like a celebrity. There are zillions of pictures to sort through, and I'll only give you a few here and there. And of course some places were camera-restricted, which I wasn't about to argue with. Especially since yesterday was my unofficial tour. The official one with Public Affairs will be later in the week.

(may I just say that there is a downside to the tropics? as I write this, there are ants crawling all over me. yuck. at least they're harmless. but the roaches... don't get me started on them!)

For the time being, here's some random pics. I'll sort through what I have and do more detailed posts later on.

This is Ray. We met at the hotel fountain. You can see how friendly he is by the way he's waving for the camera.

The enormous flag at Camp Smith, flying half-mast (as were all flags on government property) in honor of those killed at Virginia Tech. Isn't it beautiful? I'm told that at sunset it's truly breathtaking.

On the beach, smiling despite my bloody foot (I had just cut it about 2 minutes earlier).

The famous USS Missouri. I will be touring her - and the Arizona Memorial - on Friday. I just added this pic today because my husband will love it.

The Charming Host(tm) took me to "MarineLand" at Kaneohoe Bay, but the weather was just turning inclement, so there was no eye candy to be had. It appears they don't let the more attractive ones out in the rain. Perhaps they melt or something. Sorry ladies; I'll keep trying.

And the day ended with some fabulous take-out Huli Huli chicken from Waimea.

Photos of the gorgeous Pali lookout and Pali National Park are up at Absinthe & Cookies, where I'm guest blogging this week.

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