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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Convert or Die 

Hell of an ultimatum! The Religion of Peace has set its collective 7th Century sights on a tiny ancient religious sect in Iraq, and is calling for them to either convert to Islam or die.

The Mandaeans are pacifists, followers of Adam, Noah and John the Baptist.

They have lived in what is now Iraq since before Islam and Christianity.

More than 80% have been forced to flee the country and now live as refugees in Syria and Jordan.

We're busy listening to Al Gore weep hot toxic tears for the polar bear - of which we have plenty, and besides, the meat is terribly stringy - but there are less than seventy thousand of these Mandaeans left in the world. Fair enough, cultures die out. Dying is a part of living. But murder is just plain wrong.

Nine-year-old Selwan likes watching cartoons and playing football.

But he is too scared to leave his flat. The other children tease him.

He has burns all down the side of his face and on 20% of his body.

He was kidnapped by Islamic militants who forced him to jump into a bonfire - because he is Mandaean.

I meet Luay. He is too scared to be identified and does not want to use his full name.

He was dragged off the street by armed men and forcibly circumcised - a practice not allowed in the Mandaean religion.

He is 19 and is now unlikely ever to find a bride from his own faith.

Worse, he was forcibly converted. That means in the eyes of those same extremists if he now declares himself Mandaean he is apostate.

That makes him a traitor to Islam, who may be murdered. He says he will not be safe in any Muslim country.

The Dean Esmay's of the world can bury their heads in the sand for fear of offending their friends named Ali. But this truly is a clash of civilizations. The peaceful being forced at the point of a sword to join the violent - or die.

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