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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Thick Skin 

For the past week I've been watching the rise and fall of Amanda Marcotte as official blogger to the Edwards '08 Presidential Campaign with a mix of bemusement and snark. As of a couple of hours ago, it seems that she's been fired for her many venomous tirades over at Pandagon. Whatever. I can live with that. After all, it wasn't so very long ago that she was tearing a strip off of yours truly. Let's face facts here. If the Pope-hating, feminazi cooze was burning, I probably wouldn't piss on her. Nor would she return the favor. She thinks I'm a tool of "The Patriarchy". I think she's a tool. Suffice it to say we have our differences.

But may I just state for the record that I feel for her at this moment? (I qualify that statement by saying there's a part of me that believes this whole Edwards/Marcotte kerfuffle has been nothing but a cleverly orchestrated publicity stunt.) If what she's currently facing is the real deal, then I feel sorry for her. Think about it: both of us have been accused of preaching hate and of having potty mouths. Both of us are considered extremists - often by each other! The real difference is that she became a public entity representing another public entity, and I did not. I still sit here in my pajamas (or whatever we bloggers wear) and pearls, safe in my living room. She went out there and stood before America. And they stoned her for the witch (or is it neo-pagan these days) she is. Groovy. Score one for our side.

But damn! I would not want to be in her Birkenstocks for all the money in John Edwards' bank account! She has been ridiculed. She has been reamed by some top notch bloggers and pundits, which is totally fair. But it's also why I prefer to stay backstage in the political masquerade. I am very involved in local and federal politics where I live - but I could never be an official mouthpiece. I am too mouthy in my own right for that. And I know that the things I've said and done in the past would come back to haunt an innocent candidate. Frankly, I don't have the thick skin necessary to bring that down upon myself.

I know we've not seen the last of St. Amanda of the Leaky Vagina, and that she'll be doing the talk show circuit (possibly with a guest spot on The View) and milking this for all it's worth. But if this is what it takes to make it to the talk show circuit, I'm staying in my pajamas.

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