Back then it was a random act of violence - obviously well planned, but random nonetheless. Those we counted on for information - our leaders, our press - let us down by not assisting us in linking the events. Those of us who were young, or ininvolved didn't bother making the connection. Munich. The Iran hostage taking. And on this day in 1993, the bombing of the World Trade Center.
It would take nearly nine years for those buildings to come down at the hands of the same people before we would finally start linking together all the news events that shaped our lives for the previous twenty or thirty years. The bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. The murder of 14 girls at Montreal's Ecole Polytechnique. The genocide in Rwanda. The genocide in Darfur.
All of these events may seem unconnected, but there is an underlying cause at the root of all of them: Islam. The ummah, or global Islamic village. Hatred of the west and what we stand for. A burning desire to bring us to heel; to make us submit.
Even now, our press is hesitant to call a spade a spade or a terrorist a terrorist. We have this bogeyman of Al Qaeda, and we blame them for everything. "...has links to Al Qaeda..." "...was associated with Al Qaeda...." They want us to believe that a half-dead desert zealot is responsible for all the evil in the world, without admitting that he's telling us the truth. Islam preaches our murder. Islam will take over. Demands are made in the name if Islam. So much easier to blame one man - be it Bin Laden or Bush - than it is to face the real disease. Islam.
Iran plans a female-only island to boost tourism in a northwest province, the Tehran-e Emrouz newspaper on Wednesday quoted a local official as saying.
It will be on the Urumiyeh lake in Western Azerbaijan province, a municipality official identified only as Aghai said.
Under Iran's strict Islamic law, mixing with men in public is forbidden. Strict sex segregation actually protects women rather than restricting their rights, officials argue.
"There will be no men on the Arezou (Wish) island. Public transport, restaurants and other facilities will be staffed only by women," Aghai said.
Why stop there? Put 'em all on an infidel-free island, and leave 'em there. Men, women, children, goat-mistresses... They can have a joyful little caliphate on their Allah Island - at least until their evil nature seeps out and they have to start killing again. But there will be no one to kill but other Muslims....
Ahhh, I see why they call it "Wish Island"... all it needs is a midget to greet the planes!
DEMANDS for a ban on "un-Islamic" activities in schools will be set out by the Muslim Council of Britain today.
Targets include playground games, swimming lessons, school plays, parents' evenings and even vaccinations.
And the calls for all children to be taught in Taliban-style conditions will be launched with the help of a senior Government education adviser. Professor Tim Brighouse, chief adviser to London schools, was due to attend the event at the capital's biggest mosque. His presence there was seen as "deeply worrying", and a sign that the report was backed by the Government.
Tory MP Greg Hands said: "The MCB needs to realise it has to move closer to the rest of the community, not away from it. The presence of Tim Brighouse implies Government backing of this report. This is very worrying."
"Worrying" is a typically British understatement. It's disgusting, terrifying, unacceptable, ridiculous and a whole lot of other words, many of them harsher than "worrying". Britain is happily embracing the culture that will destroy them, having already given up and decided it isn't worth fighting to preserve a once-Great Britain.
Most former patients experienced a "difficult path" through [cancer] treatment, from experiencing booking errors to finding themselves a "go-between" among professionals, the report found. Only a small minority reported that their care had lived up to expectations.
"Currently, there is no co-ordinated system of care," said Sharon Wood, executive director of the foundation's Ontario chapter.
"Women were surprised, because they expected a co-ordinated system of care and didn't find it."
Ms. Noble said she found it difficult to navigate her way through the health-care system when she was first diagnosed with the disease in 2004.
She underwent chemotherapy treatments on Friday afternoons, only to find that when the extreme side-effects of the treatment kicked in, the cancer centre she relied on for her care was closed for the weekend.
When things didn't work, like pain medication, it could take days before the problem could be rectified, she added. She once had to wait two days to obtain a much-needed drug, because it wasn't available in her city.
I buried two parents because of cancer. It is one of the ugliest ways to die, and I wouldn't wish is on anyone. By the time they were diagnosed (in the case of my father it was his fault for waiting, in the case of my mother the doctors didn't detect it when there was still time to do something about it) it was already terminal for them. Any treatments they endured were mostly of a palliative nature. Very little effort was put into saving them. In my father's case, that was his choice. He wanted to die. In my mother's, nothing we could have done would have saved her - even a miracle would have been hard pressed to make a dent in her illness. But if we'd been in a situation where recovery was our goal, I cannot imagine how frustrating it would be to have to go through all be bureaucratic to-and-fro that this report describes.
Even the diagnosis step is falling short:
It also suggests that women 40 to 49 be included in the province's breast screening program, which currently targets women 50 to 79.
That recommendation is key, said Nancy Noble, a 47-year-old cancer survivor from London, Ont.
"Women under 50 are really comfortable with technological change and would line up," the mother of two said. "I mean, I have friends I know who would pay to have one done if it was accessible to them."
However, earlier scientific studies have questioned the merits of introducing breast screening programs for all women 40 to 49. In particular, there is less evidence that screening mammography significantly reduces mortality in those under 50, compared with screening in older age groups. [emphasis mine]
I went to the doctor this afternoon - routine stuff, yet she still had me waiting for an hour past my appointment time - and on my way out, waiting for the elevator, I overheard two old men talking on a bench in the hall. I don't know which doctor on the floor they were waiting for, but one was saying to the other that even with an appointment, he always factors three hours before being seen. I couldn't believe it. I turned to him and said "Yet there are some in the US who think we have it great here!"
He answered, "Well, we do, considering we don't pay for it."
As the elevator doors opened for me, I said "Sir, we're getting what we're paying for."
Further to yesterday's popular post about the "Apartheid" demonstration in front of Indigo last week, I have decided to have a little get-together at that self-same Bloor/Bay Idigo on Friday after work.
If anyone is up for it, I'll meet you at the Starbucks. See ya!
Police said the bearded lone attacker, identified as Mohammad Sarwar, approached the minister as party activists threw rose petals at her, took out his pistol and shot her in the head.
Local police officer Nazir Ahmad said: "He killed her because she was not observing the Islamic code of dress. She was also campaigning for emancipation of women.
Dirtbag. But remember: his religion taught him this. His mother and father made sure he learned his religious lessons - like so many other Muslim families. When the word of your Holy Book is KILL, you learn to kill.
It is not a religion that can live alongside civilized society. It must be branded as the cult that it is, and its followers re-taught to embrace life. No, they don't have to become Christians or Jews or Scientologists (while we're on the subject of nutter cults). They can become a New Islam. Better than before, without the hatred and murder and cancerous ideology. For that is what Islam is: A cancerous ideology that chooses death over life, and murder for a shot at Paradise. Apologists must cease to apologize, and moderates must learn to speak up. And until they do, I will continue to hold the magnifying glass over this most despicable culture.
But they don't call themselves anti-Semetic. Oh no - they know there's too much negative press attached to that. Instead they are "anti-Zionist", and "against Israeli Apartheid". These groups include Jews, much the way there were Jews in Nazi Germany willing to sell out their friends and family members, thinking they would be saved. In the end, everyone died.
This past Saturday there was a Kill the Jews March (oh wait, I'm told it was an End Apartheid March - tomayto, tomahto...) in front of Indigo at the corner of Bay and Bloor. Heather Reisman is a Jew, and her business was being targeted because she supports Israel. And so Arab-Canadian students and suicidal Jews picketed in front of her store, waving Palestinian flags.
I wasn't there (aparently no one was - I guess the memo wasn't in NOW or EYE Weekly, but there were only about 100 people), but thanks to Casey we have pictures.
I think on Friday I will loiter around that very Indigo and spend my paycheck on Heather's books. Anyone care to join me for a coffee?
My only concern is that Heather has been known to bend with the prevailing breeze before - I hope she doesn't become one of those Jews holding the flag of their own destruction.
The news that the MSM doesn't want you to know. There's nary a story to be found on this - luckily Robert Spencer picked it up at Jihad Watch.
Two students visiting from Ohio were coming from a bar downtown when they got into an argument with their driver over religion, said police. After they paid the driver he allegedly ran them down in a parking lot.
Ibrihim Ahmned, of United Cab, was arrested and charged with assault, attempted homicide and theft. One of the passengers, Andrew Nelson, managed to outrun the cab but Jeremy Invus was taken to the Vanderbilt University Medical Center with serious injuries, said police.
Here's a tip, people. When you call a taxi, let the dispatcher know you're travelling with a guide dog or something. The hard-core Muslims won't take your fare, and they'll send a white guy to pick you up. No fuss, no muss, no Muslim. The safer way to travel - especially for women. Also means that Mohammed or Ahmed or whomever won't have your fare dollars to send back home to the sand-pit they were born in to fund global terrorism.
This travel tip brought to you by the one-woman counter-Jihad machine: RightGirl.
Saturday, February 17th, 2007 on the second floor of The Fiddler's Green, located at 27 Wellesley Street East in downtown Toronto, just east of Yonge and across from the Wellesley subway station. Join us as Damian Penny makes his annual pilgrimage to the centre of the universe - everyone is welcome. No cover and nothing is provided (other than good conversation and the occasional prospect of a brawl) - pay your own damn way, deadbeat! See y'all there. People will start showing up at 8pm.
I expected the Democrats in the United States to vote in favor of having our asses kicked by Jihadis in Iraq, but the fact that 17 so-called Republicans also voted for our defeat adds brutal insult to fatal injury.
"Congress disapproves of the decision of President George W. Bush, announced on January 10, 2007, to deploy more than 20,000 additional United States combat troops to Iraq," the resolution said.
Just when Moqtada al Sadr is on the run, hiding out with his heathen homeboys in Iran, congress pulls the rug out from under the surge. Cowardliness has long been a hallmark of the Democratic party (think Jimmy Carter), but the idea that the party who was willing to lose lives by the tens of thousands to fight for equality for all men in 1860 has become as yellow as the donkeys in 2007 is depressing and disgusting. If I were a US voter, living in a district represented by one of the 17 people who had lost their nerve, their patriotism and their balls, I would be organizing a lynch mob. Lucky for them, I'm not. So in lieu of lynching (which just creates bad press anyway), people who live in these districts need to stand up and make their outrage heard. Write, call, scream outside their office if need be (expect to get carted to a mental ward if you try this, unless you are in a large group - then it's a protest).
So who is on the black list (or should that be yellow list)? Who ought to be ostracized for not backing those men currently serving thousands of miles away, facing death and destruction on all sides, including now - sadly - the home front?
All men (if they can still be called that). Maybe they need to spend a little quality time with some Blue Star mothers from their districts. They can explain to those fine ladies why they feel that those women's sons are not worth supporting.
Further to this, there is a new website out called Victory Caucus. I have chosen to participate in this site as a contributer - as a non-American, it is the only way I can be involved. Not for me the phonecalls to congressmen, or the letter-writing campaigns. But please, those of you who are American voters, please visit Victory Caucus and learn how to get involved in the process of victory in Iraq, victory over terror, and victory in 2008.
I dare you to watch this clip about Bert Brady, and not feel a lump in your throat. I dare you to watch and and not ask yourself what you could be doing.
That would be to make the other guy turn tail and run. America isn't a country of cowards, ready to run away in fear. America is a country that stands strong in the face of adversity until the bad guy cries "uncle!"
According to senior military officials, al Sadr left Baghdad two to three weeks ago and fled to Tehran, Iran, where he has family.
Al Sadr commands the Mahdi army, one of the most formidable insurgent militias in Iraq, and his move coincides with the announced U.S. troop surge in Baghdad.
Sources believe al Sadr is worried about an increase of 20,000 U.S. troops in the Iraqi capital. One official told ABC News' Martha Raddatz, "He is scared he will get a JDAM [bomb] dropped on his house."
And someone will steal his ruby slippers. Heh. The Democrats and other cowards in America and around the world can moan and cry about sending twenty thousand more troops over, but the very fact that Moqtada al Sadr is scared at just the prospect of it proves that it's the right thing to do.
Egyptian MP: Nothing will work with Israel except nuclear bomb
So I guess having Egypt assist with the ceasefire/peace talks is kinda out of the question...
"That cursed Israel is trying to destroy al-Aqsa mosque," Mohammed el-Katatny of President Hosni Mubarak's National Democratic Party (NDP) told a heated parliament session held to discuss the Israeli digging.
Sounds just like our NDP here in Canada, but I digress....
"Nothing will work with Israel except for a nuclear bomb that wipes it out of existence," he said.
Lovely folk. Religion of Peace, you know. Very peaceful. In 1400 years they've yet to peacefully coexist with any other culture, but it's not their fault. It's all those other pesky cultures, dontcha know. If we would just give up and give in, pay the jizya, we'd be fine! Really!
Suspected Islamic radicals have issued a Taliban-style warning to barbers in a Pakistani border town not to shave off or cut their customers' beards, saying it offends Islam, residents said Monday.
Pamphlets with the warnings were found at several shops in Inayat Kalay in Pakistan's Bajur tribal region near the Afghan border, said Bacha Khan, a barber in the market town.
"Barbers! Correct yourselves," said the handwritten, Pashto-language notes, one of which was obtained by The Associated Press.
"Any barber shop where acts against Shariah (Islamic law) - shaving or cutting of beards - are seen, are given a final warning to stop this anti-Shariah work and if they do not stop, they should take responsibility for whatever harm they come to," it said.
11:10PM: Emails have been coming in all day from well-wishers. So thanks to all the Ladies of the Cotillion, and Prowler (whoever you are, it's nice to know you're reading), and John and all the others.
Three girls who were imprisoned by their mother in a house of indescribable filth for seven years may never recover from the ordeal, experts said last night.
The girls were shut away from the outside world, existing in almost complete darkness, playing only with mice and communicating in their own language.
When they were discovered, their home in a smart, upper middle-class suburb had no running water and was filled with waste and excrement a metre high. The floor was corroded by mice urine.
Some people should not be allowed to have children.
The girls, Viktoria, Katharina and Elisabeth, were rescued only when police broke into the house after a neighbour, who had reported his suspicions several times, threatened a local council official with a lawsuit.
Although that was in October 2005, and the three have been in a specialised therapy centre since, the scandal was only revealed at the weekend.
The mother is now being held in a special remand prison branch for the mentally unstable. She will appear in court in a few weeks on charges of grievous bodily harm and torture, and is facing between five months and five years in prison.
"It's Valentine's Day, so here's a card with a heart inside," it read. "I'd tell you whose it is, but the less you know, the better."
Humour is a part of love. I'd rather make someone laugh than give them bad Hallmark poetry. It's a niche market that is finally being recognized.
Another niche is cards for the people you're shagging but have little romantic attachment to. Hearts and flowers wouldn't apply so much as leather and lube, wouldn't you agree?
Why did I never go into the greeting card industry?
For the past week I've been watching the rise and fall of Amanda Marcotte as official blogger to the Edwards '08 Presidential Campaign with a mix of bemusement and snark. As of a couple of hours ago, it seems that she's been fired for her many venomous tirades over at Pandagon. Whatever. I can live with that. After all, it wasn't so very long ago that she was tearing a strip off of yours truly. Let's face facts here. If the Pope-hating, feminazi cooze was burning, I probably wouldn't piss on her. Nor would she return the favor. She thinks I'm a tool of "The Patriarchy". I think she's a tool. Suffice it to say we have our differences.
But may I just state for the record that I feel for her at this moment? (I qualify that statement by saying there's a part of me that believes this whole Edwards/Marcotte kerfuffle has been nothing but a cleverly orchestrated publicity stunt.) If what she's currently facing is the real deal, then I feel sorry for her. Think about it: both of us have been accused of preaching hate and of having potty mouths. Both of us are considered extremists - often by each other! The real difference is that she became a public entity representing another public entity, and I did not. I still sit here in my pajamas (or whatever we bloggers wear) and pearls, safe in my living room. She went out there and stood before America. And they stoned her for the witch (or is it neo-pagan these days) she is. Groovy. Score one for our side.
But damn! I would not want to be in her Birkenstocks for all the money in John Edwards' bank account! She has been ridiculed. She has been reamed by some top notch bloggers and pundits, which is totally fair. But it's also why I prefer to stay backstage in the political masquerade. I am very involved in local and federal politics where I live - but I could never be an official mouthpiece. I am too mouthy in my own right for that. And I know that the things I've said and done in the past would come back to haunt an innocent candidate. Frankly, I don't have the thick skin necessary to bring that down upon myself.
I know we've not seen the last of St. Amanda of the Leaky Vagina, and that she'll be doing the talk show circuit (possibly with a guest spot on The View) and milking this for all it's worth. But if this is what it takes to make it to the talk show circuit, I'm staying in my pajamas.
The girls were passing around this link earlier today, and it's truly bone-chilling.
Try to imagine a Belsan in your own neighborhood.
Probably the last place you want to think of terrorists striking is your kids’ school. But according to two trainers at an anti-terrorism conference on the East Coast, preparations for attacks on American schools that will bring rivers of blood and staggering body counts are well underway in Islamic terrorist camps.
The article is very long, but even if you only skim it you will be left with an uneasy feeling every time you send your kids off to school.
As opposed to cricket, in which even the players have time to take naps.
Sporting his pristine cricket whites, this is one of the suspects in the alleged terror plot to behead a soldier.
Amateur cricketer Zahoor Iqbal was known among teammates as "The Terminator" for his ability to demolish opponents at the wicket.
The 29-year-old teacher was a star player for a local team, happily joining fellow players at the bar after weekend victories.
Yesterday, Mr Iqbal's friends described their astonishment that the "very Westernised" father-of-one had been arrested.
He was detained on Wednesday along with eight other men over claims they had planned to behead a British Muslim soldier and film his execution for the Internet.
As usual, people are coming out with the whole "he seemed like such a normal guy" jazz, but then again, their religion teaches them to lie to infidels.
I wonder if there will be time for the bulk of humanity to realize that Islam teaches murder, and that it is in our midst through our own suicidal invitation. I wonder if there will be time to stop it.
I think their "grip on realility" was already missing....
Abdul Helil Mamut's good behavior earned him a spot in a medium-security compound at the Guantanamo Bay prison, where he slept in a barracks, shared leisurely meals with other prisoners and could spend more than half the day in an outdoor recreation area.
But in December, the detainee was among dozens transferred from Camp 4 to the maximum-security Camp 6, the newest section of Guantanamo Bay's military prison.
Now Mamut, an ethnic Uighur from China captured in Pakistan, spends all but two hours a day isolated in his cell. He eats and prays by himself. His only recreation comes in a concrete courtyard surrounded by high walls, separated from other prisoners by a chain-link fence.
Oh sad. Life harsh at a prison set up for terror suspects? Oh the horror!
I desperately want to see the inside of Gitmo; want to spend a couple of weeks "working" there with my cat o'nine tails in hand, but Mr. Right keeps muttering something about conventions and international incidents. Whatever. Anyway...
Wells Dixon, who also represents Uighurs held at Guantanamo, predicted the lack of human interaction in Camp 6 will cause detainees to lose their grip on reality.
"It will very soon become an insane asylum," he told The Associated Press in a phone interview after he returned from the base in January.
Hahaha! Mr. Dixon, we're talking about a facility filled with people who want to murder in the name of a false prophet. I don't think you have to worry about their reality slipping more than it already has. And as for it being an insane asylum, I couldn't agree more. Anyone who adheres to such a blood-soaked, subjugating, evil "religion" needs to have their head examined. I say we keep 'em there in the name of science, to see what makes 'em tick.
When the first detainees arrived in the new unit in December, they found on their bunks two pieces of baklava - a sweet pastry common in the Middle East - to welcome them to their new quarters, according to one prison official.
Oh, that's harsh! Terrible! Call the UN!!
Originally, Camp 6 was going to be more like Camp 4, with detainees allowed to congregate in a common area and share meals. But the commander of the detention center, Navy Rear Adm. Harry B. Harris, said that plan changed after 10 detainees attacked guards in Camp 4 last May and three prisoners committed suicide in June in Camp 1.
Andrew McLuskey was sacked from Bayliss Court Secondary School in Slough after a Religious Education lesson discussing the pros and cons of religion.
Pupils at the predominantly Muslim school claimed Mr McLuskey said most suicide bombers were Muslim.
A secondary school. These were not small kids. These were young adults learning about religion. And right now, all over the world, Muslims are turning themselves into human bombs in the name of religion.
Perhaps Mr. McLusky would still be employed if he had taught the Religion of Peace canard. Or if he had taught the state religion of political correctness instead. Perhaps if he hadn't taught them anything at all, but instead made up lies and misconceptions, he may still be working. Better that kids never know a damn thing about the world beyond the school doors, right?
This story doesn't indicate if he taught them about suicide bombers in a factual or in a biased manner. Was he actually slurring the Muslim faith (not that I have a problem with that, but that doesn't mean he should get away with it in a school)? Or was he simply stating a fact: that most suicide bombers are muslim?
If it was the latter, than the UK has sunk even lower into the Msulim mire than first thought.
First I want to apologize for not being able to blog this week. It's been a rough one - just work and stuff. Nothing deadly. Thanks for sticking around and checking in on me.
Anyway, on to the content. Once more my Paranoid pal has impressed me with his prose in discussing the residents of Herouxville, Quebec. They have taken the dark side of multiculturalsims out of the shadows and into their town council meetings, where it was openly discussed and tossed out like last night's mucky bathwater.
We would especially like to inform the new arrivals that the lifestyle they left behind in their birth country cannot be brought here with them and they would have to adapt to their new social identity...We consider that men and women are of the same value... a woman can: drive a car, vote, sign checks, dance, decide for herself, speak her peace, dress as she sees fit, walk alone in public places, have a job, have her own belongings and anything else that a man can do..killing women in public beatings, or burning them alive are not part of our standards of life...We listen to music, we drink alcoholic beverages in public or private places, we dance and at the end of every year we decorate a tree with balls and tinsel and some lights. This is normally called "Christmas Decorations" or also "Christmas Tree" letting us rejoice in the notion of our national heritage...boys and girls play the same games and often play together. If you came to my place we would send the kids to swim together in the pool, don't be surprised this is normal for us…..
This has, of course, caused a great deal of ruffled feathers among the (multi)cultural elite across Canada. The mighty Paranoid One puts them in their place as only he can.
Clearly these Herouxville troglodytes - these ignorant Catholic peasants - have refused to be converted to the religion of multiculturalism. Damn heretics. Imagine, here we are, in 21st century Canada, and there are still people around clinging to the absurd notion that Canada’s founding cultures should be celebrated, protected and perpetuated.
Something apparently drove these people over the edge. What could it have been I wonder? Did they wake up one morning and suddenly notice that Canada has largely become a nation with no history and no shared values or identity? Did they become concerned about their small community suffering the same sad fate?.
Did they somehow clue in that the term 'multiculturalism' is really code for: 'destroy whitey's culture' and decide that participating in the destruction of their own culture was, well, kinda stupid?
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