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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

People accustomed to Communism have a hard time letting go of the teat 

I just read this sob-story article in the Globe & Mail about how Chinese immigrants to Canada are coming here, having babies, and having to send them back to China because they can't afford daycare.

Ms. Wu, a Chinese teacher, and her husband, a computer programmer, were squeaking by on minimum-wage jobs and could not afford to pay $1,200 a month for daycare. Ms. Wu, 34, also knew she would have to return to university if she didn't want to spend the rest of her life as an overeducated, embittered immigrant, packaging groceries for $7 an hour.

Though the separation was devastating, the couple could see no other way out. They sent their baby daughter to China to be raised by her grandmother, who was already caring for the toddler they had left behind.

"I felt so guilty. This wasn't how my new life was meant to be. I came to Canada to have a better quality of life, not a worse one."

The cries of Blame Canada from the Globe are painfully loud. And blame Harper, too, of course. I don't doubt that being seperated from one's children must be painful, but isn't this something aspiring immigrants should have factored in before they came here?

I had to read through the article more than once to realize that there was a lot of to-ing and fro-ing to China going on. Huge amounts of money were being spent on plane tickets for mothers, grandmothers, children... wouldn't this money have been better spent on daycare?

Or how about the community groups like St. Stephen's Community House? Why aren't they offering cheap or free daycare as a way to help immigrants get on their feet? Why does it always have to be the government? Why not other immigrants sharing each other's burdens and taking shifts with the kids?

No, the problem is that the immigrants in question are coming from a strictly Communist regime to a highly socialized one, and they expect to get the same amount of services thay had under Communism, coupled with the benefits of a free society. And who knows? Maybe if Ken Dryden were still in office pushing his insanely-priced childcare bill, they would have that. But you and I would be paying for it.

It's time people learned a little bit about responsibility. You have babies, you'd better be able to care for them. Ms. Wu is a grocery checker. That means she works shifts. I don't see how she was forced to send her children away, if she is on rotating shifts. University would have to wait.

And by the way - I never went to university. Some of the smartest, most successful people I know didn't go to university. A little gumption and determination will get you a lot further a lot faster. But then, you'll have no one to blame but yourself if you fail, and that's too scary for some people.

If you have time, read the comment section on the article. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there were more people out there who saw this article for what it truly is: blatant partisanship promoting the Liberal daycare plan.






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