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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Let's quaranatine the Muslims! 

No, really.

A MUSLIM doctors' leader has provoked an outcry by urging British Muslims not to vaccinate their children against diseases such as measles, mumps and rubella because it is "un-Islamic".

Dr Abdul Majid Katme, head of the Islamic Medical Association, is telling Muslims that almost all vaccines contain products derived from animal and human tissue, which make them "haram", or unlawful for Muslims to take.
Islam permits only the consumption of halal products, where the animal has had its throat cut and bled to death while God's name is invoked.

Islam also forbids the eating of any pig meat, which Katme says is another reason why vaccines should be avoided, as some contain or have been made using pork-based gelatine.

I was sitting in my doctor's office a couple of months back, and I noticed a poster on her wall about child vaccinations. It said that by law, all kids had to be vaccinted before they would be allowed in Ontario public schools. Makes sense to me. What's the point in having my kid vaccinated if the kid he or she sits next to is carrying polio or mumps? My kid is still going to end up getting sick. Anyhow, at the bottom of this poster was a note saying that if you did not wish to have your child vaccinated for personal or religious reasons (which pretty much covers laziness, which would be a personal reason), then you had to call the Ministry of Health for an exception. What good does that do? My little Bobby has to sit next to a filthy and diseased Mohammed or Fatima, just because their parents don't believe in preventing polio??

There is already evidence of lower than average vaccination rates in Muslim areas, reducing the prospect of the "herd immunity" needed to curb infectious diseases such as measles, mumps and rubella.
Katme's appeal reflects a global movement by some hardline Islamic leaders who are telling followers to refuse vaccines from the West.

In Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and parts of India, Muslims have refused to be immunised against polio after being told that the vaccines contain products that the West has deliberately added to make the recipients infertile.

Katme said he was bringing the message to Britain after analysing the products used for the manufacture of the vaccines.

Right. Health and science is haram to people living in the seventh century. Whatever. Islam is a cult that embraces death, so if they don't want to protect their kids from possible fatal diseases, that's their choice. But that means I have to be doubly cautious where my own (hypothetical) children are concerned. I guess I can't let them go to public school with these little disease-bags, right? And what about just going to a movie, or riding a crowded subway? I'm not going to keep my (hypothetical) Mary or Scotty locked up because Ahmed has TB. I say, lock up Ahmed!

The Muslims have found one more way to put our lives at risk. And this time they're going after our kids. Quarantine 'em. Don't let them out in society until they're clean enough not to pose a biological risk to our children. And if they want to emigrate here, instate an Ellis Island-style vaccination and quarantine system, or just don't let them in.

You are perfectly welcome to your religious views, but not at the sake of the health of others.

(as an aside, if while they are all in quarantine, the incidences of terror-related acts happen to decline markedly, remember that it's probably just a coincidence....)

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