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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Haggis and Justice 

Robbie Burns day was on January 25th. Mr. Right (a Scot) and I went to the pub, listened to the pipes, and he skarfed down a plate of steaming sheep's innards. I was impressed that I didn't add my own innards, because the very concept nauseates me. The Scots are a tough, hard-drinking population, and it's obvious to an outsider like me that haggis was a drunken prank that caught on. Like Gaelic.

There's something else that Scots are known for, too. It isn't on the tourist brochures, but if you live there for a little while, as I did, you will learn about the sectarian hatreds and the dislike of the "Other". It isn't a daily thing. It's mostly under the surface. And the prisons are rife with it. Which is why I find it so amusing that this yellow pussy is shitting himself behind bars, hiding out in isolation, because he went all Alpha-Jihad and murdered a 15 year old white kid.

THE racist killer of Kriss Donald is begging prison hardmen to protect him from other cons.

Cowardly Imran "Baldy" Shahid says he's willing to stump up £10,000 a year to try to save himself from revenge attacks.

He hopes the cash will mean he can stay in Scotland if he's let out of isolation.

Shahid, who's serving a life sentence for the murder of 15-year-old Kriss, knows he is a target in Scottish jails.

Awww, poor guy! He kills a kid because he was feeling a bit pissy about the cartoon thing, and now he's scared that all the shorn, ginger-headed hard men in Barlinnie are going to tear him limb from limb over it. Heh. My heart bleeds.

I thought that these bastards were all about dying for their cause? Not much of a warrior for Allah, is he?

Remember people: These Muslim bastards are all cowards. All you have to do is stand up to them, and they run shrieking in the opposite direction, gathering their skirts and reaching for their smelling salts. The only reason we haven't managed to get rid of them yet is because of political correctness. And they know it. So dump the PC bullshit, and face them down. They can't bear it. They are more afraid of us than we are of them.







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