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Monday, December 04, 2006

SOW wants to be back at the trough 

I swear, the cast of Monty Python doing the Biggus Dickus routine couldn't have come up with a better fake name sketch.

Joanne Hussey says Prime Minister Stephen Harper owes her 29 cents - the amount of money, for every dollar, that Canadian women earn less than men.

It's the message behind a campaign she and four other Halifax women have started, setting up a website and distributing pins and postcards to argue funding cuts to Status of Women Canada will only maintain that disparity.

Hussey. Speaking on behalf of Status of Women. Cue laugh track.

Ladies, we don't need this government funded garbage! A healthy dose of gumption goes far further than a penis anyday. Trust me - I know. I am making more than most non-certified males my own age (i.e. not lawyers, not doctors etc, but those with the same level of education). There's no patriarchy that's going to tell me that I don't have a brain or a backbone, and can't do the job as well as a male. However, sheer common sense tells me I am unfit to carry a 300lb man out of a burning building, so I will not bother fighting for the moot right to do so. Because if I do, it comes back to Monty Python, and the right for men to have babies. And frankly, the MP cast should not be looked to as a solution to global inequality.

In truth, the wailing and gnashing of teeth over the slaughter of the SOW is really nothing more than bureaucrats screaming over losing their jobs. And since SOW employed mostly women, it is women who will be out of the workforce in this particular instance. But they shouldn't worry - there are always jobs for those who have a good work ethic and plenty of common sense.

It's Audra Williams I worry about...

"Anytime you can steer conversation towards an important issue and follow that up with what you can do, that's super valuable."

Super! It's super valuable! I worry that a woman who uses as her dialogue coach the cast of Bring It On may not have a chance. *sigh* It truly is a man's world.






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