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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Mommy, what did you do in the Afghanistan war? 

Sweet fuck all, darling. I smoked pot, had promiscuous sex, and made hemp shirts...

From the moonies over at Rabble (read Rabble - it makes bulimia that much easier!), I learn that there will be an anti-war march in Toronto on October 28th in front of the US Consulate (natch). Because Canadians never make decisions for themselves - everything we do is dikkktated by Amerikkka.

Here's a listing of the supporters. I have made the reading experience easier for you by highlighting what you really need to know:

Canadian Labour Congress
Canadian Islamic Congress
Le Collectif Échec à la guerre
Council of Canadians
Canadian Arab Federation
National Union of Public and General Employees
Canadian Union of Public Employees
Canadian Union of Postal Workers
United Steelworkers - National
Canadian Auto Workers Union
Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade
Canadian Muslim Civil Liberties Association
Greenpeace Canada
Act For the Earth
Muslim Unity Group
Canadian Peace Congress
The Muslim Services, Toronto
Al-Hidaya Association (Montreal)
Adala - Canadian Arab Justice Committee
United Front Canada
ICNA Canada
The Islamic Supreme Council of Canada
Islamic Association of Canadian Women
The Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF)
The Association Musulmane du Québec (AMQ)

The Alternative Perspective Media (APM-RAM)
Ahlul Bayt Assembly of Canada
The Muslim Community of Calgary
Al Ansar Islamic Centre
The Salaheddin Islamic Centre
Dar Al Tawheed Islamic Centre
The Islamic Foundation of Toronto
The TARIC Islamic Centre
Al Hoda Centre

Not In Our Name (Toronto) - [the self loathing Jews who want to die at the hands of Arabs - RG]
Halifax Peace Coalition
Fredricton Peace Coalition
Rassemblement outaouais contre la guerre
NoWar-Paix - Ottawa
Student Coalition Against War - Ottawa
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War
November 16 Coalition - Hamilton
Hamilton Steelworkers Area Council
People for Peace (London)
UVic Students Against War
Victoria Peace Coalition
Edmonton Coalition Against War and Racism
Solidarity For Palestinian Human Rights - McMaster
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights - Toronto

Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Ottawa Raging Grannies
The Boundary Peace Initiative
Kootenay Region United Nations Association

Kelowna Peace Group
October 28 Coalition - Nanaimo
Peace Alliance Winnipeg
Palestine Community Centre of BC
Niagara Coalition for Peace
Niagara Secular Humanists
Burlington Association for Nuclear Disarmament
Stopwar.ca Vancouver
Gerald and Maas
Global Importune
Boiling Frog
Green Party of Ontario
Canadian Action Party
Communist Party of Canada
Socialist Project

Feel free to look any of the highlighted groups up. You will find that the bulk of them are Islamic, and the rest of them are socialist/unions. Something tells me I might be downtown, somewhere near the US Consulate on University street, that day, camera in hand...






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