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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A little justice 

I say a little, because I just don't think it's enough, and I know it isn't for the right reasons.

Turkey puts a man away for life for the honor killing of his pregnant sister. That's good. Way to go. But their reason for doing it is to ingratiate themselves with the EU, who they are petitioning for membership. That's bad.

A young Turkish man was sentenced to life imprisonment Tuesday for killing his unmarried teenage sister to avenge the family honor after she became pregnant, Anatolia news agency reported.

The court in Gaziantep, southern Turkey, classified the murder as an "honor killing" and handed down a life sentence against Selahattin Sezgin, 22, even though he had argued that he killed his sister in a fit of anger during an argument, the report said.

It isn't just the courts in Turkey that need to recognize this as a serious crime - it is the Turks themselves. As long as they remain in an age of barbarity, they will continue to act out in violent ways. And the rest of the world will continue to ignore it, saying it's "just their culture".

The government and civic groups have stepped up efforts to stamp out honor killings in recent years, but opinion polls have shown that they enjoy considerable public support in the mainly Kurdish southeast, where most cases occur.

The whole mindset of the people needs to change.






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