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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Is there hope for Londonistan? 

Maybe there is, after all.

Muslim organisations that refuse to defend core British values and fail to take a "pro-active" role in the fight against extremism are to lose access to millions of pounds of Government funding, it was disclosed yesterday.

Ruth Kelly, the Communities Secretary, said it was time for a "fundamental rebalancing" of relations with Muslim organisations if a new generation of terrorists was not to grow up in this country.

The tough new approach would involve shifting grants towards those organisations which accepted and promoted a set of "non-negotiable values" including respect for the law and freedom of speech.

"It is only by defending our values that we will prevent extremists radicalising future generations of terrorists," Miss Kelly said in a speech to Muslim groups in London.

In an apparent threat to the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), the umbrella group for Muslims which has received more than £200,000 from Government in the past two years, Miss Kelly highlighted its refusal to take part in Holocaust Memorial Day.

"I can't help wondering why those in leadership positions who say they want to achieve religious tolerance and a cohesive society would choose to boycott an event which marks, above all, our common humanity and respect for each other," she said.

That's a very direct question, Ms. Kelly. May I answer it for you? It's because they hate the Jews! Islam isn't about humanity or respect for others - it's a cult of world domination, bent on the destruction of anyone who doesn't submit.

It's no secret that Labour is in trouble, what with Tony Blair on his way out and no end in sight for Iraq. Is it possible that they, as a party, are finally trying to win over the one type of voter who has been ignored since the Thatcher era: The British? Instead of pandering to the rapidly multiplying hordes of Muslims in Britain, Labour looks as if they are attempting, at long last, to remember that Britain was once Great, and that it could be again with a little backbone.

Inayat Bunglawala, the assistant general secretary of the MCB, accused the Government of trying to coax Muslim groups to back its unpopular foreign policies.

"If the Government is planning to merely seek out those organisations who will be less critical or parrot its policies, then this is not a strategy that will succeed. If that happens, the Government will lose credibility with the Muslim community."

Translation: If they do not continue to meet our demands for protection money, we will riot in the streets of London as we do in Paris.

Don't give in.






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