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Saturday, October 28, 2006

A culture of ingrained evil 

There are people (not real people, but apologists, Hannah, and others who wish to live in Dhimmitude) who will read this post and pooh-pooh me once again, for after all, what am I but a piece of uncovered meat?

The disgusting and misogynist mufti of Australia has the support of his congregation. He has the support of the Muslim Council of Britain. We know he has the support of the roving Lebanese rape gangs in Australia who his words cleared of any responsibility. He believes he has the support of "leading Muslim clerics" who are due to meet to discuss his words, and he has said that he will step down if they can prove his views were inappropriate. My question is, inappropriate to whom? Because the other Muslims will likely agree that he was spot on in his sermon. He has all this support because as a community, Muslims truly believe what he says. They believe that men have no control over their desires, and that women are wicked and dirty property to be done with what you please. Crimes against women (all women, not just Muslims) by Muslims happen every minute in Islamist countries like Somalia, Rwanda and Pakistan, and every day in the West. I have said before that Islam is a cult of sex and death, and I still believe it to this day. It is a culture of debauchery, based in a 6th century groupthink that cannot and will not adapt to the modern world.

The mufti in question, Sheik Taj el-Din al-Hilali, does not feel he needs to learn english to live in Australia. After all, the people he talks to every day are Arabic speakers. Why should he adapt?

We have seen time and again that new immigrants to the West, as well as second and third generation Muslims, want to do us harm. Yet still we refuse to believe it. And while I don't think I have much right to be preaching morality and religion to anyone, I truly belive that in our Judeo-Christian societies, if we were better Jews and Christians, we would believe in evil as much as we believe in good. For you can't have one without the other. It is a balance. And if we cannot acknowledge evil wherever it may be, how the hell can we claim to be morally superior and doing good?






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