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Monday, September 18, 2006

The first hatemail I've gotten with really good spelling 

Normally I get the Islamotards with their desert educations. This one sounds capable of having a conversation if they could get over themselves:

Dear "right"girl:

Your hatred and ignorance astounds me. You are an individual who lives in a priviledged society with access to vast amounts of literature concerning the situation between Hezbollah and Israel, and you are old enough to know better.

Israel is occupying palestinian land. They have bulldozed palestinian houses and killed many more innocent Palestinians than Palestinians have killed Israelis. Israel, using U.S. military equipment (jets, tanks, missles etc etc) has been repressing palestinians for decades. Hezbollah, is merely an answer to this abuse. Maybe you should read your history books before spouting off a bunch of rightwing zionist propaganda that makes you sound like a zionist pseudo Anne Coulter. You are giving jews everywhere a bad name. Remember the Holocaust? Jews acting like Nazis definitely won't curb hatred of Jews anywhere.

Best Wishes in Educating Yourself w/ Regard to the Subject Matter you are Preaching,

Your Friend,


I especially like the line about remembering the Holocaust. Was that a threat?Discuss.

Update: Nope, it's retarded.

Ignore my previous email, as I had assumed you were a Canadian before:

I had just noticed your Shitty american Flag picture at the top. That explains a lot. Being a Canadian and previously living on the border of the US and Canada, I know from experience that the average american's intelligence usually only amounts to the news channel that they watch they most. Looking at your webpage, I can tell that you probably watch Fox News quite a bit. This completely explains your ignorance of political issues. I don't know if the majority of US citizens realize that the rest of the living world hates them and laughs at how ignorant the general US population is towards what is going on in their own country, and the rest of the world. But anyway, have fun in your GOP Pseudo-christian Totalitarian police state. I heard that they are teaching creationism as a "science" in some states now? HAHAHAHAHAHA

You americans are so crazy...

P.S. Have you ever looked at the Map of north america? Canada looks like it is fucking the US, and Southern Ontario (Where I live) is the Penis.

P.P.S Did you crazy americans ever learn in school about how Canadians/British burned down the White House in the war of 1812?

"nischt" can be reached at nischt@gmail.com if you want to debate American vs. Canadian history.






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