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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Star Fuckers 

Last night was embarrassing. I have never seen a group of grown men (and women, but mostly men) act like 14-year-old girls at a Justin Timberlake concert. I cringed just watching the display. Cringed, and left.

I didn't get to spend any time with the Prime Minister. I didn't get to shake his hand, which I really wanted to do, because it was my first time seeing him since he'd been elected to run the country. I wasn't able to get near him, because of the throng of people who seemed to think he was Elvis, as they reached out to stick their hands in his face, tug at his sleeve, suck his dick, or whatever it was they were wanting. Luckily I was able to have a quick word with his wife, Laureen, and she's a very nice woman. But by then, Harper was crushed in a circle of Indian businessmen wanting something from him, up-and-comers wanting to bask and be seen with him (yes, I mean you, and you know it), and political star fuckers wanting to touch themselves with the hand that shook the hand of the Prime Minister.

Ugh. I did what I could to keep my dignity unsoiled by the other slavering idiots, and wandered off to the bar. There, I met up with an equally nonchalant Sam Goldstien and his very attractive girlfriend. Neither of them seemed in a hurry to get inside and join the orgy. You see, I've been in rooms at cocktails with important people like the Prime Minister and his Cabinet Ministers (and their American equals, where you would be shot for behaving in such a manner), celebrities and such. I've had coffee in a Greenwich Village coffee shop with Al Pacino two tables over eating pie. I'm from Montreal, where the sight of Bruce Willis, any of the Baldwin brothers, or even Pierre Trudeau evoked nothing more than a nod and a "good morning". The image I had going into last night's event was of a speech, followed by Harper working the room, speaking with groups of people, and somebody having the presence of mind and consideration to get the poor man a goddam beer. Instead I witnessed a shameful display of star fucking at it's political worst.

I was ashamed to be associated with the people in that room last night. And I hope when they wake up this morning, they realize how childishly they conducted themselves in front of the leader of our country.






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