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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hezbollah. On our streets. In our cities. I am NOT making this up. 

[Scroll for updates]

I attended the anti-Hezbollah rally in Toronto today, to counter to pro-Hezbollah rally that was taking place in front of the Israeli Consulate. It is pretty terrifying to see such support for murderers and terrorists here in my own city.

I was interviewed by CTV, and photographed several times by photojournalists (hopefully none from Reuters!).

Our crowd wasn't huge. The pro-Hezbollah types are smart to put their rallys on the Shabbas, so not many Jews will come out to protest. But we were vocal, that's for sure!

This man posted the words right out of my mouth! The pro-Hezbollah side had the nerve to come over and complain that his sign was "distressing" and "antagonistic". But he stood his ground. He wins my chutzpah award of the week, that's for sure!

Speaking of antagonistic,

the jihadis came over to sing us Hezbollah songs before the cops intervened.

The police on site were polite, but it made me angry that they asked us to move, because "we were putting their guys in danger". Us? If there was danger, it didn't come from our side. Later on, when someone showed up with a Hezbollah flag, we pointed out to one of the cops that Hezbollah is recognized in Canada as a terror organization, and that man should be arrested. The cop said "that's a decision for someone higher up" than him, and he didn't want to "wade into that bunch" to make an arrest. Not that I'm looking for a cop to risk himself unnecessarily, but it seems to me that it would have been an easy arrest to make. After all, the pro-Hezbollah side claimed to be demonstrating for "peace", so I'm sure the cop would have been safe. What? You don't think so?

Get used to it, people. Nasrallah and the Canadian flag side by side. This is what they want. Remember that the next time someone makes apologies for them.

As with any "peace" rally, one of the world's worst slaughterers of innocents always shows up on someone's t-shirt. It's inevitable.

And here we have Che sharing space with Hezbollah. How nice.

One of the cooler signs on our side was from one of my very own Canadian Angels...

Heh. Equivalate this! Nice.

The one thing that really gets to me in this situation, as with all situations involving Islamic terror, is self-loathing Jews. I cannot understand how they can stand there like cows at slaughter, defending the actions of terrorist organizations.


Remember Golda Maier's quote: "There will never be peace until they love their children as much as they hate us"?

How do you think these children are being raised?

The commies were there...

...handing out literature with - wait for it - Green Helmet's picture on the front!!

Green Helmet also showed up on this poster

He's like the Where's Waldo of Islamic Terror.

At least someone had a sense of humor:

Too bad they were with the wrong bunch.

Update: Matt has awesome pictures here.

Update2: CTV quotes only Jews protesting against Israel, and the only Israel supporter they quote is an Irish Catholic. Figures.

I love this line:

Police watched closely as the smaller group of pro-Israel demonstrators stood across the street.

Yeah. Cause we were a threat.

Update3: CP reported that there were no Hezbollah supporters. But Judeoscope was smart enough to check the blogs.

Though the CP says no Hezbollah flags were displayed as in previous demonstrations in Montreal, counter-demonstrators and observers report some demonstrators wore pro-Hezbollah T-shirts.

Update4: Neil sent me the YouTube link for the footage he shot during the rally.

Update5: More video from Neil here.

And Casey posted great photos here.






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