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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

For a peaceful religion, they're very big on death. 

Thanks to Kathy for bringing this article to my attention.

I'm sure that social deprivation and disgust at Britain's moral decline has something to do with the disenchantment and alienation. But that's not the whole story.

Young Muslims haven't been radicalised by scruffy housing, binge drinking and half-dressed slappers on every street corner. They have been told constantly by their self-appointed leaders and their imams that they are oppressed by widespread 'Islamophobia'.

They are encouraged to put loyalty to their faith above responsibility to their country of birth.

They are brainwashed into treating any misfortune which befalls any Muslim anywhere in the world as a personal insult.

Makeshift mosques in run-down backstreets and demented jihadist websites pump out hatred of the West, which is blamed for all the problems in the Muslim universe.

Fanatics are allowed to march through the streets preaching death to the infidel, death to Jews, death to just about anyone. For a peaceful religion, they're very big on death.

This is all coming from within the Muslim community, not from without. Is it any wonder that some of this constant ideological bombardment rubs off?

We don't need a judicial inquiry to tell us any of this.

The majority of Muslims in Britain make a valuable contribution and want to live a quiet life, just like the rest of us.

But, as this survey illustrates, a sizeable minority don't. They have no desire to adapt to Britain. They want Britain to adapt to them.

For a large number of Muslims, their faith is incompatible with Western freedoms and democracy.

No one is forced to remain here.

I did not like living in Britain, so I left. I found it to be crude, dirty, and the weather is terrible. I made a plan, and I packed my stuff and left. I didn't bomb a train station. I just got on a plane. (with no intention of flying it into Big Ben)

Of all the comments to the article, both for and against, it is this one that gives me hope:

I for one am proud to be a British Muslim. In fact I consider myself British first and religion is something personal that just gives me strength. In my opinion, the majority of educated Muslims feel this way and respect the values here and feel at one here. The problems are amongst the uneductaed Muslims who insist on living in ghettos and feel that by integrating they will lose their cultural heritage. It is these groups, that need to believe that one can still practice their religion peacefully without losing their heritage/values.

- Humi, Wakefield, West Yorks.

I just wonder if Humi would have the chutzpah to stand up and say this to the Muslim community, not just to a white Christian columnist, safely hidden in the depths of the Internet.






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