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Saturday, July 15, 2006

What about MY right to choose? 

My husband is smarter than me, and more capable of making a rational decision about reproduction. Really. I have been told this by several doctors who all seem to believe that women in Saudi Arabia should be allowed to drive while wearing potato sacks over their heads, but I should not be allowed to have tubal ligation.

Because I might change my mind.

I've known since I was a young teenager that I wouldn't be having any children. In fact, when my dad asked me what I wanted for my 16th birthday, I said "a partial hysterectomy."

However, even now in the 21st century, when women are opting by the gazillions not to reproduce, others are scheduling their deliveries between meetings by having totally unneccessary c-sections, and selecting the genders of their designer babies, I apparently don't have the rationale to decide that I don't want any at all.

Doctors have pretty much decided that they are more comfortable with the idea of me killing an unborn child (quote: "We cannot perform tubal ligation until you are over 35 or until you have had at least one pregnancy." Me: "One pregnancy, or one child? Because there is a difference you sick bastard.") than they are with preventing said baby in the first place.

But the part where they tell me they will gladly "do" my husband is what upsets me the most. And before you point it out, yes, I know it's an easier operation and simpler to reverse if required. I do not expect or ask that my husband have this done to suit my choices. If I have rights, he should have the same ones, and who am I to make such a request? After all, as my regular readers know, the women of my family pretty much have a sell-by date of 45 years of age. What if Mr. Right remarries and wants to have kids with the second wife? Should he have to have his operation reversed? Why? He never wanted it in the first place! But I do. And I can't have it because I might change my mind. Women are flighty that way.






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