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Monday, June 19, 2006

No freedom to disagree 

World-renowned ethicist Margaret Sommerville got an honorary degree from Ryerson. Ms. Sommerville does not support the idea of same-sex marriage, and Toronto the Damned is frothing at its cold-sore scarred mouth.

The protest had been orderly and without incident.

The hall, which was filled with about 2,000 graduating students, parents and faculty, fell silent. Somerville paused and looked out into the audience.

Although no one else added to the voice of protest, some faculty members wore rainbow-coloured buttons that said: "I'm straight but not narrow."

As she was receiving her degree from Ryerson president Sheldon Levy, several of the professors on stage turned their backs and unfurled banners denouncing her same-sex marriage views.

One read: "My Ryerson Honors Equal Rights." Another read: "Respectfully disagree," which was written on a rainbow flag. [emphasis mine]

For shame. Professors are supposed to be guiding young people and helping them learn to deal with the real world. But instead, all they are teaching is that if you don't like something, instead of simply stating your disagreement, it is better to plug your ears and la-la-la-la-la-la-la at the top of your voice to drown out what the other person is saying. In other words - to act like a 5-year-old.

Hawkes said the protest won't stop until the university "rescinds" her degree, and he said he believes the university will have an opportunity to rescind that come the fall.

"They have to right a wrong," he said.

They have to do no such thing. Ms. Sommerville was being honored for work in her field, which she is at the top of. If anyone needs to right a wrong, it is the childish professors at Ryerson. Not the protesters, for they have every right to protest. But the actual staff. They all owe Ms. Sommerville an apology.






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