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Sunday, June 18, 2006

I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! 

Well, not really.

Actually, it was a madcap night of blogger self-congratulation, glad-handing, beer, and Right Wing Movie Night.

Darcey from Dust My Broom came into town for the Toronto experience, which of course required him to stay within easy reach of hookers, crack dealers/addicts, and the gay village. Just to get a feel for the place. The real Toronto. Toronto the Damned. It was great to walk through Boy Town with him, Kateland, and Lisa & Dave from London Fog. Heh. I can just imagine him getting back to Calgary and sitting around with the other normal gun-toting folk, saying "Ya know, we hear stories, but I had to see it for myself. I had no idea such a place truly existed. I was terrified!"

We were off to Fiddler's Green, home of January's Pan-Partisan Blogger Bash, hosted by the late Bob Tarantino, who also joined us for drinks and pub grub. It was great fun, until the icy pall that came with the arrival of the Zerb.

We soon hit the road to the next "main event" of the evening, which was the quarterly Right Wing Movie Night hosted by Kathy Shaidle and Rick McGinnis. These events are generally great fun, but this one was a real show-stopper. It began with a series of 70's-era commercials, some of which I remembered, some of which I didn't - and every one of them a howl. A fantastic find on the part of our hosts.

The feature presentation was Network, which I hadn't seen since I was too young to understand it. Incredible dialogue - as Rick says, no one actually talks like that (but life would be so much more interesting if they did).

So what's it going to be for the next RWMN, gang? The theme is the 50's, so we have plenty of choices. Talk amongst yourselves.






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