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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Canada is not immune to the threat of terrorism 

I feel happy and sick all at once. CSIS and the RCMP have arrested 12 male adults and 5 youths plotting acts of terrorism in Toronto. I'm happy because these guys have been caught. I'm sick because I think of how many more could have been out there. Cheif Bill Blair does not think the TTC was a target.

Three tons of ammonium nitrate were seized in the raids last night. To put it into perspective, the spokesman from the RCMP advised that only one ton was used to destroy the Murrah building in Oklahoma City.

The alleged terrorists are described as residents of Canada. We are told that for the most part they are citizens. For the most part. They were inspired by Al Qaeda, but not directly linked. I suppose it doesn't matter. The fact is that whether or not they are part of the mothership, there is a huge Islamic threat from all over. If they are not part of a group, they'll make their own. They want us dead. They want our countries.

CSIS has been telling us for years that Canada was under threat, and the politicos in charge would not do anything about it. It was laughed off. Canadians are too nice. People love us. If only we would get out of Afghanistan...

I know there will be an outcry from the anti-war crowd, the NDP, CAIR, and all the other usual suspects, but the fact of the matter is we need to gut the center of this. We need to destroy the camps and mosques and imams where this poison is coming from before we have a hope of cleaing up our own back yards. And that means Afghanistan. Iraq. Iran. Maybe Indonesia and Pakistan. Line 'em up, we'll knock 'em down. We need to.

If you live in Canada, and you are witness or privy to anything suspicious, please do not hesitate a moment to call the terroism tip line at 800-420-5805. Hesitation could cost you and your loved ones their lives.

Update 12:03pm : Kathy Shaidle and I have been having a little email to-and-fro. She writes:

Well we've been letting in jerks since the 60s, and the Libs have spent generations building up their ethnic voting base. People figure they can do whatever and just plead "poor victim" status if caught. They all live in their little ethnic fiefdoms and their loyalty remains in other nations.

Even if the CN tower blew up tomorrow it would be "our" fault. I just heard Mayor of Toronto on CBC Newsworld say that "we've got to find out why these young men were so angry and then do something about it". Can't be "more basketball courts" cuz the homes I saw being raided on the news all had their very own garage hoops!!

We need to use this to inspire ourselves to get tougher and more candid online and try to change as many minds as we can. Don't get mad, get blogging!

I choose to do both: blog mad.






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