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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Random Thoughts (because I don't have time for a full post) 

Zacarias Moussaoui: Mixed emotions over his life sentence. Unless they keep him in solitary till the day he dies, I feel he may pose a risk to public security by preaching radicalism inside the prison environment. More criminals who follow Islam is not a good idea, especially if they are taught by such a celebrity asshole.

Currently Reading: The Force of Reason by Oriana Fallaci. I sat on the subway, book in hand this morning, pondering something that I was rather surprised hadn't occured to me before. Islam has a long history of violence, dating back to its founder, who was a very wicked man indeed. Is it possible that, given the pillaging throughout the centuries, true Islam is the violent side we saw on September 11th, but that the "hijackers of the faith" are not the extremists: they are the peaceful Muslims who live down the street? They are the corrupters. They are the ones who are not practicing true Islam. If that is the case, I commend them and encourage them to continue to peacefully rebel against the violence in the Koran. In this case, corruption of the faith is exactly what's called for.

Mission Impossible 3: I don't think I'll be seeing any Tom Cruise movies anytime soon. His behavior regarding the Comedy Network has been childish and reprehensible. And I'm so bored of "TomKat". The movie, however, will be a hit, even without my $12. It will appeal to the lowest common denominator, much the way RV took in more money than United 93.

Mother Sheehan: The dumb cunt has come north of the 49th parallel. Hasn't she been arrested a few too many times to get permission to cross the border? Oh well, we have no border security anyway, and half the border guards want to see an end to the war because they're Middle Eastern, so it stands to reason they would have let the dingbat in. She's going to grace the cities of Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver with her very own brand of shmaltz, and the peacniks are going to lap it up. They'll probably proclaim an official Cindy Day in Toronto for her. Oh, how I would sincerely love to cross paths with her...

Best Headline:

It was 10 years ago today...
...That Vancouver opened its doors to the world with Expo 86, the six-month fair that transformed the city and put British Columbia on the world stage. Here's a look at some of the people, places and things that made the exposition memorable - and a snapshot of where they are now.

I've taken a screen capture, just in case they figure out that their math is all wrong. But, the article has been up for two days - why would they bother now?






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