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Saturday, April 29, 2006

United 93 - Part II 

Hi, I'm Mr. Right.

I had tears in my eyes. I cried. It was a good film, and I hear that the families involved gave it their approval. That's good enough for me to believe it's pretty accurate in its depiction of events. For the things they couldn't know, the dramatisation was no over-schmaltzy, Oprah/TV-movie "moment", which endeared it to me even more.

My wife is scared for the future, that the rising tide of Mohammedans will take away our way of life and no one will be able to stop it because of the apologists and appeasers. The evidence is all around, and her pessimistic nature does get the better of her.

It'll never happen. This film proves it.

It's not because there is no danger. It's not because the danger will magically disappear. I just tell her she must have more faith. I tell her that it reinforced my faith in the future, even as it crumbled hers. Now, I'm not religious in the slightest, but I still have faith. I have faith in humanity. I have faith, not in some mythical being promising everlasting salvation, but in the undaunted human spirit that, when it comes down to it, says "This far, and no further." In the final scenes of the film where the passengers reclaim their plane, there is my hope for the future. In those scenes are all we'll ever need to beat this threat. These people were not soldiers, police, politicians, lobbiests, special interest groups, committies, or any so-called great institution.

These were ordinary people, who, with great courage and determination, defeated their enemy. These were ordinary people who recognised when they weren't going to get anywhere by standing idly by and trusting to the good intentions of their foes. These were ordinary people who realised that they might have to sacrifice some of their lives if any of them were to survive, and made the decision to do it. These were ordinary people who may have been scared, terrified even, but still they stood up and were counted that day.

There will come a time when all the people who realise that their way of life, and maybe even their lives themselves, are being threatened by an outside influence that also seeks to encroach and dissaffect from within. There will come a time when these people, no matter their faith, creed, colour, or shoe size will stand up and recognise the danger and will push back. It may come too late to save all of us from tyranny, but history shows us no tyrannical state has ever lasted, and all are toppled from within.

These ordinary people will be our saviours, and I can only hope to Britannia that when that time comes, I might find the courage within myself to be one of those people.

Those people of United 93.






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