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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Not exactly news to me 

Osama bin Laden says we're waging war on Islam. Uh, is it inappropriate to address the world's most notorious terrorist with a resounding "DUH!"?

In his first new message in three months, bin Laden said in the audiotape that the West's cut off of aid to the Palestinian Hamas-led government proved Washington and Europe were conducting "a Zionist (Jewish) crusaders (Christian) war on Islam."

Yeah, that sounds about right. We're at war against people who want to kill us and our friends. Perhaps if they stopped wanting to kill us, we might be a little less agressive. Just sayin'.

Not that that's likely to happen:

"I call on Mujahedin and their supporters, especially in Sudan and the Arab peninsula, to prepare for long war again the crusader plunderers in Western Sudan. Our goal is not defending the Khartoum government but to defend Islam, its land and its people," he said.

"I urge holy warriors to be acquainted with the land and the tribes in Darfur." They should know the rainy season approaches and that will hamper their movement, he said.

So now the poor bastards in the Sudan, who have really been through enough thanks to the Religion of Peace(tm), are going to get it even worse.

Behead those who insult Havarti!!

He said the artists who drew the offending cartoons should be handed over to him for trial and punishment.

I like how he added "trial" to his statement. I'm sure the cartoonists would get a fair trial in a Sharia court. No doubt.






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