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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Boy Love 

Stop the ACLU reports of a Blogger-hosted pedophilia site called Paiderastia.

I took a look at the site, and I am not pleased. I've found over the past couple of years that there are porn sites hosted on Blogger, and I'm not bothered by it. But when children are involved, it's just not acceptable. Paiderastia does not have explicit content, which in a way makes it worse - they are attempting to normalize sexual relationships between grown men and little boys.

From one of their posts:

In other words, just because we have a sexual attraction to boys (that we did not choose to have) does not mean that we have the right to pursue a sexual relationship with a boy. That isn't to say that the sexual relationship in itself is wrong.

that we did not choose to have... Come on. You like buggering kids. Maybe it's an impulse you have trouble controlling, but join a support group or something. Leave the kids out of it. Someone in Alcoholics Anonymous doesn't get a job in a bar, ya know what I'm sayin'? The relationship is wrong. If you don't believe me, ask a victim's parents. See what mom and dad think of you sodomizing their son. You may realize that you do not have the right to pursue a sexual relationship with a child, but that won't stop you from grooming them and filling their heads with all kinds of nonsense until they become willing victims of your sick disease.

Sometimes, I think blatant child pornography would be less offensive - at least everyone knows the kind of people they're dealing with, and the laws can easily be used to prosecute. But this subversive grooming of children for sexual gratification by pedophiles is so insidious, and so hard to nail down. How can a prosecutor go to court based on "I am not pursuing a sexual relationship with that boy - I just want one is all"?

From another post:

As long as pedophilia is depersonalized, it will never be accepted. As long as the pedophile is the man in the trench coat with pockets brimming with sweets you hear about in urban legends, no one is going to pay their feelings any mind. We debunk the monster by showing our faces. We banish the lies with the truth we live every day.

In other words, we're just like you. Uh huh. How long before NAMBLA and groups like them have enough of a voice behind them to get laws changed and start allowing these relationships? Remember, we have statutory laws for a reason - children's minds are not developed enough to make these decisions on their own. It's too easy for them to be swayed into believing that something so wrong is no big deal. Why do you think peer pressure is so prevelent. Kids just want to be noticed. They want to be loved. That's why they have parents in the first place. I only hope that parents continue to speak out against groups like NAMBLA and sites like Paiderastia. Bottom line: Fucking kids is wrong. There's really little else that needs to be said on the matter.

So far, Blogger doesn't seem to ahve a problem with the site, despite complaints. Personally I've flagged it, and I'm sure many others have done the same. Any site that promotes child abuse should be reported and shut down. If Blogger doesn't happen to agree, then I may have to find a new place to hang my hat.






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