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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Tribute to a Canadian Soldier 

Cpl. Paul Davis was killed in a road accident while on routine patrol. These things happen, even to Canadian soldiers. When they happen, they are sad, but our Canadian press makes it out to be our country's fault for sending these boys off to do battle in the fisrt place, instead of keeping them emasculated with the UN. In this case, they couldn't find anyone willing to vilify Cpl. Davis. Instead, they only found messages of support.

Personally, I honor heroes, not eunuchs. So this one is for a hero, from his father:

"He had the sense of duty of comradeship with the people he'd been training with, and felt he wanted to go with them," Jim Davis told CTV Atlantic in an interview from his home in Bridgewater, N.S. on Thursday.

Cpl. Davis, a married father of two, was on a routine patrol when the LAV-III (light-armoured vehicle) ran off the road and flipped over. Six other soldiers and a local Afghan interpreter were injured in the accident.

"My prayers are with the other parents of those boys who are struggling with their lives right now," said Jim Davis.

"I would also like you to know that I am an extremely proud dad. I'm very proud of my son Paul. I believed in what he was doing 100 per cent and to his friends in Afghanistan, if they're listening to me, I want them to know I'm 100 per cent behind all of them."

Davis said his son was a strong believer in what troops are doing in Afghanistan, and said he worries that a mounting death toll will shake Canada's resolve to continue its mission there.

"I fear a huge debate on why we're in Afghanistan would endanger the lives of our soldiers because it entices or encourages the insurgents to keep up the battle," he said. [emphasis mine]

The CBC brings us this quote from Capt. Jay Adair, the second-in-command of Bravo Company:

"Until someone's been on an Afghan road, they won't know what it's like," Adair said.

"I don't think there is the level of skill among Afghan drivers that there is among Canadian drivers. The roads are certainly not in as good of shape as Canadian roads. I'm not aware of very many rules on Afghan roads."

Which is why it's always so exciting when Afghanis come to our cities to become taxi drivers (it was a taxi driver that killed Cpl. Davis).

God bless Cpl. Paul Davis. You did your country proud, and you are in our thoughts tonight.






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