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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A Random Rant 

This cartoon thing is getting out of hand. Even people who wouldn't normally give much thought to the insanity that springs from Islam in the name of Allah are getting pissed off.

Last night I got a phone call from a friend of mine. She's somewhat conservative, well-enough informed (she's not a news junkie, but she keeps herself apprised), and frankly spends far too much time with me for my right-wingedness not to rub off. Anyway, she calls last night and yells in my ear for about ten minutes before wishing me a Happy Valentine's Day and hanging up. It was like a bloody whirlwind.

Her issue? The riots in Pakistan over the stupid cartoons, and the apoplexy that people are having with Ezra Levant of the Western Standard. Her question is that if people want to cover up cartoons that are the center of a major controversy that is costing lives, then perhaps we should abandon all news in general. After all, everytime a Palestinian suicide bomber blows himself up in Israel, the news upsets Jews around the world. Everytime we hear about Piss-Christ and the Virgin Mary made of elephant dung, it upsets Christians. We should just not hear about it. Ignorance is bliss. And why stop at religion? Those attack ads from the Liberals during the campaign? They really upset me as a Conservative. We shouldn't be allowed to criticize our politicians. It might offend those who voted for them. So from this day forward, let's not say anything bad about Martin, Harper, Bush, Shot-gun Dick, or anyone else for that matter. And we should stop printing Garfield comics, too. Garfield eats pork.

Welcome to Dhimmitude. Now, what are we going to do with all the out of work newscasters? My suggestion is to make them part of the Mutawa.

Update: Now Michelle Malkin is getting poorly written death threats. Judging by the grammar and punctuation, they are from angry five year olds.






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