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Sunday, February 19, 2006

On the front page of Al-Jazeera.com 

Click the picture to be taken to the site that placed the "Sharon drinking blood" ad on Al-Jazeera. They ask the question "Offensive or Freedom of Speech?" It is in fact both, but my question to them would be "How is this new? You all have been doing this type of propaganda for a loooong time - long before the Danes put paintbrush to paper."

The site also has this quote:

Muslims are generally good people who believe too many conspiracy theories.

What does that mean? That they are idiots? Or perhaps that they are violent and looking for an excuse? If the apologists are looking for a way of painting the religion in a good light, they will have to do better than making them out to be conspiracy theorists. It's belittling to most, and is just plain false when talking about the rioting hordes.

Perhaps I should go bomb something. Or maybe I'll just go to church instead.

I stand corrected Feb 21/06: I think I was supposed to know this already (from the comment below):

you neglect to mention that aljazeera.com is not the satelite network based out of Qatar. aljazeera.com is a web magazine.

Important note: Aljazeera Publishing and Aljazeera.com are not associated with the controversial Arabic Satellite Channel known as Jazeera Space Channel TV station whose website is Aljazeera.net.

Aljazeera Publishing disassociates itself from the views, opinions and broadcasts of Jazeera Space Channel TV station.
from: http://www.aljazeera.com/about.asp

The genuine al-Jazeera that we hear about all the time in the Western Media, their english webpage is found at http://english.aljazeera.net/HomePage
Antigonish_Tyler | 02.21.06 - 8:05 am | #

Honest mistake (although it explains why I could never find that logo on any of the pages), and I do apologize.






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