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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

More CPAC Swag 

My ticket may have cost me $425, but I walked out with a fortune worth of books, shirts, and other swag.

First, I picked up a new t-shirt from Brian McCarthy of Che-Mart and The People's Cube. The one pictured is not the one I got (although Kathy Shaidle has one); mine says

My ultimate goal as a socialist was to have my face plastered on the t-shirts of rich white kids. ~ Che Guevara

Brian is awesome. Go buy a shirt.

Books! Oh my god, there were books! So many books, so little luggage space. WonderWoman and I wound up having to buy extra duffel bags from the airline to cart all this back across the border.
Size Matters by Joel Miller; Disinformation by Richard Minter; Something for Nothing (appropriate!) by Brian Tracy; Uncle Sam's Plantation by Star Parker; The West's Last Chance by Tony Blankley; Blog by Hugh Hewitt; The Enduring Revolution by Major Garrett; plus dozens of magazines I haven't even looked at yet. I don't think I'll need to go book shopping anytime soon.

In addition, I purchased Glenn Reynolds' An Army of Davids, and Michelle Malkin's Unhinged. I had both Glenn and Michelle sign my book to RightGirl. Isn't she tiny? I'm like Gulliver next to her! My husband swiped her book from me the moment I walked in the door, "That's the cute Oriental girl, isn't it? Gimme that." Well, congratulations Michelle, you managed to do what I've never been able to: You made him really angry. He was up half the night last night railing about how utterly insane Democrats are, and how he had no idea before (because, of course, why would he have listened to me say it all this time???). At least you brought him fully on-side. Now he'll understand what I'm talking about when I yell at the TV news every night.

Another book that had previously made an impression on my beloved was Mark Smith's Official Handbook of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. I got that one signed, too. For obvious reasons, I was in no mood to stand in line for over an hour to have Ann Coulter sign Must Control Fist Of Death's copy of Treason.






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