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Saturday, February 25, 2006

An email from Suzette Boler 

I wrote about Suzette Boler last year. For those of you who don't remember, she is the lady who lost her job after seeing her husband off to training camp for service in Iraq. After missing an extra day of work, which she warned her employer might happen, she was called by the HR department to come in and gather her things. Since then she has been fighting for more rights for military families.

She sent me this little poem by email this morning.

Military Families Are Soldiers Too!!

The American military is much more then just those who go to fight.
It’s also their loved ones at home who pray for them day and night.

They very often go unnoticed and are content for that to be.
They wait in the shadows hoping that their soldiers soon they will see.

The life of a soldier's family is not an easy cross to bear.
Most do it with pride hoping to be treated fair.

I would like to help you understand from that of a soldiers wife.
What military families go thru and what our daily life is like.

We wake up every morning without our loved ones being there.
And know they are far away and hope they are not lonely, hurt or scared.

The unknown is our enemy, not knowing what's in store, and time is it's weapon passing more slowly then before.

We live and breath for news from them; to tell us they are fine. And then go about our day counting the minutes of time.
Keeping busy seems to be your only friend, so your mind doesn't think of the place they are in.

We feel so totally helpless to the circumstances at hand.
We hope that those around us will somehow understand.

We need the support of others to help us make it thru.
The families of our soldiers is an important job to do.

We listen to the daily news always frozen in fear,
And then give a sigh of relief when there is no news to hear.

There were no soldiers killed , there were no MIA'S
There were no injuries from a roadside bomb, which means their all OK.

Another day is over and their bodies are fine,
But do we know that what they've seen will not effect their mind.

We then go to bed at night without our loved ones there.
Again with prayers of protection, placing them in Gods amazing care.

Americas Military is the best there is; your freedom is the proof.
Military families are important to. They also sacrifice for you.
Military families are also fighting a war.
Fighting for the courage and strength that they have never had before.

And then there are those we have to face that choose to make it hard.
They put themselves on pedestals and choose to disregard.

Their unkind words and unkind deeds prove to be their way.
They have no heart for our soldiers or the price their families pay.

So remember when you hug your child and tuck them in at night.
That there are children without their daddy's because they went off to fight.

Remember the many families that have piece's missing from their life.
Their sons and daughters are missing from the table, mommy's not there on Christmas night.

Remember the wives of our soldiers, without their husband to kiss them goodnight;
And the husbands of our soldiers that are terribly missing their wives.

Remember them as you go about your day,
running your business and at work and at play.

They deserve some consideration for what they go thru,
So you can walk around freely, and live the life that you do.

Our soldiers deserve respect for the job that they do, and military families are soldiers too.

They don't dodge bullets, or patrol dangerous streets, They don't guard convoys from military humvees.

But they are the loved ones of those that do.
So help keep the families going for our soldiers to come home to.






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