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Saturday, January 07, 2006

A Woman's Right to Choose 

For the past several hours, I have been working on putting together a policy package for our local candidate that centers around families and childcare. The information has been gleaned from Stephen Harper's various statements and press releases found on the Conservative Party website. Many of the statements I've come across use the word choice.

Several months back, while having a rare political conversation with my boss (I don't like to mix my private life with my professional one, and besides, she's a liberal), she said she was afraid of Stephen Harper. She said she was afraid he wanted to strip women of their right to choose. (this was a strawman brought up in the 2004 election, when Stephen Harper, defending himself, said he would not be revisiting the subject if he were elected. typical Liberal scare tactic)

Now, I've always maintained that I'm neutral on the subject of abortion. I have strong negative feeling towards third trimester and partial birth. You'd have to be an animal to be for that. I always make exceptions for life of the mother. Especially if she already has children to care for at home. I try my best to respect the feelings of those who want to protect the life of the unborn; and also those who are scared out of their minds by something they've gotten themselves into. Therefore, I give women a right to choose.

Canada gives women that same right. You can choose - in the harshest and most unforgiving terms - to murder your baby, or to keep it and love it. You have a choice.

But what if you choose to keep him or her? What are your choices then? That's where they become limited. The tax burden on parents is exorbitant. If you are a single parent, you are better off sucking the teat of the welfare rolls, because otherwise you will be taxed the same as any other family if you attempt to work. If you work, the Libs want to put your kids in state-controlled (read: overpriced and unionized) daycare. They don't want your mother to look after Junior. They don't want anyone other than themselves to have control of you kids' minds during the formative years.

In Liberal-governed Canada, the only choice is life or death. Beyond that, there is no real freedom to choose. Is it really Harper who wants to strip women of their rights and their options? No, he wants to give them more.

So I've spent the last couple of hours cutting and pasting Harper's quotes regarding his $1200 child care tax credit, and his $500 organized sports credit.

Does any of this really interest me? Not overmuch. I am childless, and plan to stay that way. But that's my choice. It's nice to see that others have could choices, too. They just have to vote for them.

Stand up for your choices.






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