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Monday, January 16, 2006

Sam Bulte's "Friends" 

I posted on January 3rd about Parkdale-High park MP Sarmite "Sam" Bulte, and her buddies in the recording industry throwing her a $250/plate fundraiser on Thursday January 19th. To recap, it wouldn't be so bad to have a recording industry fundraiser if you weren't the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Canadian Heritage, and if there wasn't important legislation in the works regarding said industry. Basically, more brown envelopes is what it boils down to.

Michael Geist has it in for her. He created the Copyright Pledge, which was read out at a Parkdale-High Park all candidates meeting last week. Click here to get to Accordion Guy's site, where he has video of Bulte's screechy, borderline hysterical reply, where she calls Geist and his supporters "zealots". She's scared. She knows she's probably going to lose her campaign over this, yet she still hasn't cancelled the fundraiser. Geist also writes this for the Toronto Star:

The Bulte controversy has highlighted the close connection between Canada's Parliamentary Secretary for Canadian Heritage and the largely U.S.-backed copyright lobby with many copyright groups contributing hundreds of dollars exclusively to the Parkdale-High Park MP. Beyond the Bulte story, lobbyist registration records, campaign finance returns, and documents newly obtained under the Access to Information Act reveal a process that is badly skewed toward lobby interests and in serious need of reform.

Industry Canada's Lobbyist Registration Database includes dozens of registered lobbyists for copyright interests. The Canadian Recording Industry Association has five registered lobbyists on its payroll, while Access Copyright's similarly sized contingent of five registered lobbyists even includes former MP Paul Bonwick, a Bulte contributor who worked closely with her on a 2004 copyright report while both served on the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage.

The Star covers it further with this piece by Cory Doctorow from yesterday, and goes into detail about how this problem is prevalent in the United States.

The candidates from Parkdale-High park will all be on Goldhawk tomorrow. I have a feeling that Sam is going to need a Xanax by the time the show is over.

x-posted to The Shotgun






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