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Thursday, January 19, 2006

I Guess I'm It 

I've been tagged, at long last, by the weird meme. Thanks Brian. This is going to be difficult, because almost everything about me is weird. I'm actually not aware half the time. I'll give it a try.

1. I used to work in a cemetary. I was a real estate agent to the dearly departed.

2. I have no gag reflex. This has its good and bad points. On the bad side, I have had to have my stomach pumped twice for poison, because I could not induce vomiting on my own. On the good side... well...

3. When I was 7, my teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. In front of my entire class, I said "A madam". And so I had my first trip to the principal's office.

4. I have had nightmares since infancy. Several times a week, in fact. When I was little, I would beg to stay up and watch horror movies. My mother wouldn't want me to, "No, it'll give her nightmares", but Dad, who was always on my side, used to say to her "For Chrissake, Mickey Mouse gives her nightmares! What does it matter?" Ergo, I've seen hundreds of horror movies in my life, and only gave them up after seeing The Ring, which I may never recover from. I am also afraid of balloons, toddlers (toddlers with balloons make me break out in hives and hyperventilate), fire, and the number 27.

5. I have never lived in any one place for more than 2 years. And in the past decade, I have never lived anywhere for more than 15 months. Staying in one place too long makes me panic, and no matter how hard I try, I cannot commit to buying a home. The idea of being that tied to something for so long scares the hell out of me.

I'll tag:

Baldilocks because I don't know much about her
Little Miss Attila because I'll be meeting her next month, and I want ammo for picking on her when we get drunk
Regular Ron, because I'm sure he'll have some interesting stuff to share ;)
Monte Solberg, for shits and giggles, and because he's so funny
and Kateland The Last Amazon because I know she'll have some skeletons to share






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