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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hope for the future of this country (and my head hurts) 

A week ago we had a Liberal government, and the country was divided. Families turned against their own, friends became cool to one another. It was all about drawing party lines. But now the election is all over, and it's all about partying!

Last night was the pan-partisan Toronto Blogstravaganza at Fiddlers Green. A rousing success, and no one bled or cried. Heck, even Warren Kinsella left without suing anyone!

One of the funniest (and most humbling, I'm sure) moments of the night was when a girl walked up to Andrew Coyne (in his usual sport jacket), asked him his name, and then asked him if he was a blogger. She had absolutely no clue who he was.

I, of course, needed to be babysat, lest I get too far into my cups and pick a fight with someone. The lovely Wonder Woman (in an awesome shirt) and her groupie who shall remain nameless, had that fun job all night. And then she drove my drunk ass home, along with Steve from Nice Comfy Fur, who as it turns out is a neighbor.

Another neighbor I met last night was Accordion Guy, who played a large part in the election on a local level, by running with the story of Sam Bulte being in the pocket of the record companies. Joey is left leaning, but it doesn't mean we probably won't end up going out for brunch at one of the neighborhood hot spots at some point.

The charming Damian Brooks was sniffing around the girl's table, hoping MustControlFistOfDeath would stop by (alas, she was tired and burned out from a winter cold), and we all had a great laugh.

Kateland from Last Amazon was there, and at some bleary point late in the evening, I recall that we ganged up on a very young Dipper going by the handle Freshly Squeezed (oooh, too many places I could go with that one), who I thought was utterly adorable, and I plan to visit his site regularly. He took the ribbing in stride, and there was no mention of anyone hurting anyone else's feeeeeelings. Classy.

Kathy Shaidle and Rick McGinnis came out, but sadly, I barely saw them. I'm sure we'll catch up soon.

Okay, so who am I forgetting? Greg was there, I know that. And the Loyalist. The handsome Brian Mertens, The Meatriarchy, Paul Tuns, and a shedload of others. I don't think I even got to speak to half the people there last night. I really hope we do it again sometime. If getting the most opinionated people from all sides of the political divide together (and adding booze) is what it takes to make this new Canada and this new government work, then we need to do it often.

But Warren can buy the next round.






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