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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Election Mud Roundup 

I'd love to stay and chat, but there's a phone at the campaign office that's ringing just for me, so I only have a second.

Angry in the Great White North reminds us that the Liberals have a very strong voter base - inside our penitentiaries. Are criminals really the people we want casting the deciding votes of this tight election? Do they really have the right to vote while incarcerated? I always believed that committing a crime and being in prison was supposed to temporarily strip you opf your rights - that's part of the punishment. Obviously a criminal will vote for whomever is going to give him the biggest break. Or they vote for other criminals. Either way, they're voting for the Liberals!

Adding insult to injury, Lost Budgie brings us Paul Martin's latest act of desperation: the Heroes Fund.

If supporting the widows and families of fallen public safety officers was truly important to the Liberals, they wouldn't have waited until mere days before a Federal election - when the party has declared a "mayday" and is heading down in flames with Captain Martin panicking at the controls.

What's the point? Martin is soft on crime, letting animals who will vote him in run through our streets, shooting our cops. Only then will he make reparations to the families of the fallen. How about reducing their chances of getting shot by keeping your voting base off the streets, Paulie?

And from Gerry comes an email regarding how vicious animals can be when they're cornered.

I know I have mentioned earlier that Martin was too smug for somebody swirling around the bowl. The Liberals are the masters of spin so buckle down.

He sends this link to the Globe & Mail.

Liberal strategists believe they can turn around the last week of the campaign by continuing to broadcast their attack ads and going hard after Conservative Leader Stephen Harper, hoping that something will stick.

Liberal Leader Paul Martin executed part of that strategy yesterday as he hammered away at the Conservative policy platform, arguing that the numbers don't add up and it is a throwback to the Mulroney era.

It's going to be a messy week. I think I'll dig my old rain slicker out of the back of the closet. It's easier to clean if I get any mud on me at the debates in our riding.






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