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Thursday, December 08, 2005

I am moonbat, hear me chant 

I meant to post this last night, but I was too busy (a campaign is a life-sucking illness that can only last so long, but may kill you before it's over!). I'm glad I didn't get the chance, because half of what I wrote would have been wrong.

Last night, as I left the office, I walked through Nathan Phillips Square. There was a group of people standing around the flame, holding candles (no, it was not the usual band of homeless people trying to keep warm!). Another protest, I thought, another rally. I moved a little closer, and could hear them quietly singing or chanting. Ugh. Being nearsighted, I had to move quite close in order to read the placards that were leaning, upside down, against the concrete gazebo (anyone from Toronto will know what I am describing).


Oh for fuck sake. On the 64th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, these moonbats had the utter disrespect to be holding an anti-war rally? Disgusting. And I said as much (now wishing I hadn't, but I'll get to that part). So I called MustControlFistOfDeath to rant and rail a while. She made me laugh, and I felt better, but the bad taste was still in my mouth.

Well, this morning I read in the paper that the it was a vigil for the safe release of James Loney, one of the hostages being held in Iraq (Harmeet Singh Sooden was mentioned as an afterthought - is it because he currently resides in New Zealand, or because perhaps the multi-cult of Canada feels Mr. Signh Sooden has been overly "colonialized" for having joined a Christian peace organization, and Christians are meant to be boring white guys?). alright. I can accept a vigil to free a hostage who was obviously there to help. But what I cannot accept is that the vigil was organized by the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War.

When are they going to realize that we didn't just go into Afghanistan for fun? We went in because our continent was attacked. We did not cast the first stone. And they also need to realize that James Loney and the forgotten Harmeet Singh Sooden will most likely be killed (face it now), and it is not because our troops are in Afghanistan or because the American are in Iraq. Loney & Singh Sooden will be murdered because they are Christian. America was attacked because it is Christian. Canada is on the death list because it is Christian (sort of, for now).

I am curious if the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War already knows that, and is too cowardly to come out and say what they are truly thinking :







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