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Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I need a break. I'm getting worse and worse at blogging (I read some of my older posts last week, and I am depressed by the shit quality I have been producing of late), and what I write isn't even relevant by the time I write it.

Example, I went to a Conservative Party rally on Saturday, where Stephen Harper gave an outstanding speech. My husband took great pictures. I don't have time to get the pictures onto the computer, resize them appropriately, FTP them, and then write the damn post. And who cares anyway? It was four days ago! So much for news in real time.

Example, I have not been fulfilling my blogging commitments over at the Shotgun, and it's only a matter of time before they notice and cut me off. I will die without my gratis subscription to the Western Standard. So I owe it to Ezra and Kevin et al to devote a little more time over there. Quality time. Not the crap I've been coming out with lately.

I haven't done my Christmas cards, nor posted my last package of gifts to Iraq. These things are important to the recipients, and my healthy Catholic guilt is keeping me awake at night, knowing that these cards and gifts will not arrive in time for Christmas. I have officially spread my fat ass too thin.

So, blogging will be lighter than usual - and it's been nearly non-existent. At least until after the holidays, and maybe till after the election (January 23). I would like to concentrate on other things for the time being. My VRWChristmas Party is on Saturday, and I have muchos cooking, baking & cleaning to do. It's been years since I've had a proper Christmas party, and I want to devote my all to it. I also have the election campaign for my local candidate, which takes up a good deal of my time. Actually, it takes up almost all my time. I had to drag my hubby to the Harper rally on Saturday, because it was our only chance to be together in two weeks. I won't really see him again until late Friday night, when he'll step in to calm the pre-party nervous breakdown I'll be having. MustControlFistOfDeath will post her usual notes from time to time, and I will still be around. Just not as much.

In the spirit of the season and of the party, please get your fix at the sites of a few of my esteemed guests (I am not worthy to play hostess to such a crowd):

Angry in the Great White North
Relapsed Catholic
The American Princess (who is coming to see me all the way from Ann Arbor, MI)
North American Patriot
Let It Bleed






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