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Sunday, November 06, 2005

The World Needs More Canada 

Like a hole in the head.

I'm on the mailing lists of all three major parties here in Canada: the Conservatives, the Liberals, and Smilin' Jack's NDP. This week's propaganda bashing comes courtesy of Jack.

I received a flyer in the mail that screamed "Protect Canadian content!" and proceeded to decry these evil American satellite radio stations that are infiltrating Canada, as we speak! Did you know, for example, that CRTC only requires these stations to play 10% CanCon - "far below the traditional 35%"?

Oh dear, Jack, get over yourself. If and when Canada produces an artist worth playing, something people are demanding to hear more of, you can bet the stations will play it. But why in the name of God's arse should we have to listen to Susan Aglukark? Because it's mandated by the almighty government? I think not.

Of course, all this uproar is the Liberals' fault, according to Jack (You remember the Liberals, right? They're the ones that Jack and his merry men ensured would continue to govern us. So whose fault are the Liberals, hmmm Jack?): "Cabinet could have vetoed or sent these decisions back for revue. But instead of stadning up for Canadian Content, Cabinet rubber-stamped these decisions"

"Jack Layton's NDP is working to stop these precedents from undermining CanCon protections across the board."

Oh, do shut up.

Jack Layton's NDP is also apparently working to stem the tide of pesky democracy, too. The flyer in question has a Tell Us section, with two checkboxes. One of them reads I agree with Jack Layton's NDP: Canadian content is worth protecting! (Jacko has always been fond of his exclamation points - perhaps as fond as I am of my parentheses)

If you think the other box said something like I do not agree with Jack Layton's NDP - I think 10% is plenty... well, you would be wrong. The other checkbox was a request for a subscription to the NDP newsletter (on 100% post-consumer recycled paper, one would hope, although this is not indicated on the flyer).






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