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Friday, October 28, 2005

Help Pours in for Suzette Boler 

Yesterday I wrote about Suzette Boler, a woman who lost her job after seeing her National Guard husband off to war.

I have been trying to get in touch with Mrs. Boler to offer my support, and to hear firsthand how she is doing. Understandably, her line is mostly busy, and she is screening via her voicemail. I guess I would be, too.

Anyway, word on the street is that calls of support and offers of employment have been puring in for her.

"I never thought all this would have happened from such a little story," said Caledonia resident Suzette Boler, 40, fired from her receptionist job the day after her husband left for duty in New Jersey, then Iraq.

A story in Wednesday's Press prompted angry reactions from veterans and soldiers all the way to Iraq, in addition to offers of jobs and financial help from Florida to Ohio to Chicago. Boler was booked for an appearance on CNN today, on top of interviews with radio stations from Texas to Indianapolis.

Good for her. As for reaction to the company that fired her...

[Henry]Bledsoe [company founder-ed] said he comes from a family where military service and support of troops is a tradition. He noted that he served in the Air Force from 1970 to 1974, including hospital duty in Thailand.

"We are staunch American supporters," Bledsoe said.

Jerry Boler, who is training at Fort Dix, N.J., prior to leaving for Iraq, said this about her firing: "I didn't think it was very patriotic. I guess people have to deal with their own conscience."

John Buncak, 65, a retired Army major who was injured in a helicopter crash in Vietnam, learned of Boler's firing on an Internet news site. The Ohio resident said he tried in vain to get through the jammed switchboard at the company Thursday morning to vent his anger.

"It's ridiculous. It's unconscionable. I'm just upset. I want to express my displeasure with their management practice," Buncak said.

Tom Joseph, president of an Akron, Ohio, software firm, phoned Boler Thursday and offered to pay her lost wages until she finds another job. Boler earned $9 an hour, working three days a week in a job she had about 14 months.

"We've got to support our troops," Joseph said. "We have got to step and do everything we can."






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