Where at least I know I'm free...
I am enamoured of Washington DC in a way that I have only ever been with Paris. In fact, I felt like I was cheating on Paris with its worst enemy, but it was love, and love cannot be denied! Washington is like porn for me: All that patriotism, packed into a city you can walk around in a day (unless your legs don't work, like mine).

I'm going to be his trophy wife someday.We arrived at our motel in Alexandria (Oct 4th) with just enough time to shower and somewhat beautify ourselves before heading out for dinner with RTG and her faithful sidekick Jon, who is way hotter than I expected. Sorry girls - those pictures are classified. RTG was everything I expected her to be - smart, funny, slightly stoned. For all the drama in her life, she was a charming dinner companion, and someone I plan to keep in touch with in the future.
The CapitolWednesday (Oct 5th) morning was bright and hot. Mr. Right and I had booked a bus tour around DC, which kicked off at Union Station.

We didn't make very good use of our tour, which would have taken us out to places like the Jefferson Memorial and Arlington - places that are tough to get to by Metro. Instead, we didn't even make it off Capitol Hill for over two hours, and then spent the rest of the day near the White House.

As soon as the Schwarzenegger Bill passes... this will be my new home
They made us move from where I'm standing on the Ellipse. A motorcade pulled up in front of the House, and we had to move out of "shooting range" while the President got out of the car and into safety.
Official moonbats, camped out in front of Lafayette Park, across from the White House.
Mr. Right takes a break.We bought a bit of swag - t-shirts and such - from street vendors in the area that afternoon. I got a t-shirt that identifies me as Air Force One Flight Crew. Then, exhausted and satisfied (I told you it was like porn!), we headed back to the motel to pick up the car and have dinner in Arlington.
Originally we were supposed to leave on Thursday morning, but then we had an invitation to tour the
Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a think tank. It sounded interesting, so we decided to stay another day and night, and leave on Friday. The motel tried to be as accommodating as possible, although they were almost completely booked. They offered us a smoking room for Thursday night, and let us move our stuff in before it was cleaned, just so we could have the rest of the day. Chaos. By the time we got our stuff packed, the dog organized, and everything carted down to our nasty-looking new room (the original room was bright and tidy, the new one had mould growing under the air conditioner), I had to leave a message at the foundation cancelling my tour and apologizing profusely. we shrugged at the unpleasantness of the room - we wouldn't even see it except at bedtime, so what did it matter?
Off we went to the Lincoln Memorial,

then a walk along the refelcting Pool,

past the Korean War Memorial,

I love this picture!all the way to the WWII Memorial.

No Place Like HomeAlthough my weak legs were crying out for rest, there was no way I was going to cut my last day short. The Museum of American History was next on the list. A friend of mine had begged me to go in and take a picture of the original Ruby Slippers.

And Kermit.

There were things in that museum that I would have loved to take pictures of, but was unable. The first was the flag that had been draped over the damaged west wall of the Pentagon on September 12, 2001. There were soot stains on it. While I wept in its presence, Mr. Right attempted to capture it digitally, but the light was too low, and the picture did not turn out. You can see it
The other one I regret not being able to save was also a flag -
the flag. While I was still wiping my tears away, I stumbled into a room (No Flash Photography, Please) where Old Glory herself, the
Star Spangled Banner, was on display. It took my breath away. Literally. I did not breathe for several moments as I stood there, staring at what could possibly be the most famous piece of silk in the world. That she has survived (though tattered) for all these years is a testament to America's love for her. Her unique resting place can be read about
The gift shop was a boon, and I stocked up on much starry/stripey stuff to send to my soldiers in their Thanksgiving packages next month. I also bought a red coffee thermos for myself that says Proud to be a Republican. I can't wait to take it into one of the many moonbat Starbucks' here in Toronto!
We The People, Mr. Right wanted to go to the Air and Space Museum. I couldn't think of anything that would bore me more (except maybe reading the tax code), and my legs were killing me. So he went his way, and I went mine. At least where he went, he was allowed to take pictures.
Spirit of St. LouisMy way was to the National Archives, where I underwent a great deal of security in order to see three very famous pieces of parchment: The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and The Bill of Rights. I spoke to one of the female guards posted at the side of the Constitution. I remarked that although her job was rather cushy, I hoped they had taught her to shoot straight.
"Even if they wasn't paying me, I would shoot anyone who tried to touch this document."Yup, that's about what I expected from a good American.
Bug & BugsAt the end of a wonderful day, we took an evening drive to see all the monumnets lit up. Just before the sun set, we saw the Pentagon, which still has windows boarded up on one side. All around town we drove, despite the roadblocks around Capitol Hill (it was only the next morning that I found out the President had made a speech on the Hill). We met RTG for a final farewell, and headed back to the motel around 11:30. We were so tired, and desperate to get a good night's sleep before our long drive home the next morning. It was not meant to be. We found out that the dog was not the only Bug in the room. We had guests. The kind that once you have them, you can never be rid of! So we fled, weary, refund in hand, north, toward home. By 2am we could stand it no longer, and checked into a roadside hotel, with a big bed, a clean bathroom, and free breakfast. I do not even know what town we were in (I'll let you know when I get the credit card bill!), but I know that we had just crossed the Pennsylvania border. It was not the best ending to our fabulous trip, nor was the pouring rain for ten of our twelve driving hours on Friday, but at least we have fond memories of the rest.
God bless you America. We'll return to you soon.