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Saturday, September 17, 2005

Drunk Blogging On A Saturday Night 

*I am not cheking for spelling or language tonight*

I've never done this before. I've drunk-commented, sure, but never blogged. Beth of MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and I are getting pissed on MSN right now, and we thought we'd share with you.

Merri of Merri Musings has joined the conversation.

We are lambasting a few boys of the blogosphere, and lamenting the fact that my very best blog buddy has left. RTG, please come back when you're feeling better. I'll be heartbroken if you leave forever. Whatever happened (that I don't already know), I'm sure between the bunch of us we can get through. Please come back. I've been following this saga forever, and I feel as if it's a part of my daily life. Perhaps I shouldn't feel that way about a fellow blogger, but hey - sue me for caring!

There is no way in hell I can fathom the pain of losing a child. I can't even pretend. I've lost parents, yes. And I've alienated people. But I've never HAD a child, let alone lost one. I do know that it must be the most painful thing on earth. I cried when I heard. Not for the child - who I never knew - but for the mother, whose heart has broken.

How can this be allowed to happen? not her leaving; but the events surrounding it? How can the man you love be dying? How can you be pregnant with his child - his last legacy to you - and then she leaves you, too? I read some of her last words, about there being no God. I can see that. I can understand. I've never been close to God, despite my best efforts. Maybe this is why. He is, after all, a God of death. He was quite willing to give his child up. RTG wasn't. Fuck you, God. Fuck you, for taking two lives away from someone. Fuck you, for not having the decency to give one of them a chance. Fuck you, for putting my friend on a diet of whiskey and cigarettes. Fuck you, for making her go into hiding, where we can't keep watch over her, and help her. God, you had better schedule an appointment with me, because I've got some questions. I've had questions ever since I was 14 and you saw fit to kill my mother. Leave her alone.

I'm going for a refill. Let's see if the Divine has the balls to leave a comment






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