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For Girls With Pearls.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Last week's trip down the red carpet with the likes of Charlize Theron and Sissy Spacek was great, but last night's hobnobbing with the Bloggeratti was infinitely more satisfying.

Captain Ed was in town (up from the snowy wilds of Minnesota with Mrs. Ed) as the key speaker at Bloggers Rising: Shamans or Shams at the University of Toronto, hosted by the Canadian Journalism Foundation. For my American readers, let me just give a quick explanation of why Captain Ed is a hero to us Northerners: When the Liberal Government was trying to silence dissent over the Gomery inquiry by placing a publication ban on the airing of their dirty laundry, it took this American and a source he had inside the courtroom to blow the whole thing wide open. I wanted to shake the hand of the man who gave us our freedom back, and who spiked my traffic from 500 hits to 3000 hits a day. This was Mrs. Ed's first trip up to Canada, and the pair are off to Niagara Falls today. Have a great time!

Also speaking last night was local boy Andrew Coyne who then joined us for drinks at a nearby watering hole. "Us" refers to myself, Wonder Woman of North American Patriot, Greg Staples of Political Staples , Brent Colbert of Colbert's Comments, and Stephen Taylor, macdaddy of the Blogging Tories.

It is a strange new ettiquette we all have to learn in this era of the blog. As I shook hands with people, I introduced myself as Wendy. After all, that's my name, and for thousands of years of social situations, people have been introduced by name. I was met with blank stares. "RightGirl," I said. Suddenly faces lit up with recognition, and the handshakes became more enthusiastic. I suppose RightGirl is how I'm going to have to introduce myself at these events from now on. After all, who is Wendy anymore, anyway?

A few people, including North American Patriot, recognized me by my photo with Stephen Harper (the one where we were both looking very fat). She is new to the blogosphere, with only a few months under her belt, but I do believe she will be with us for the duration. If you haven't read her yet, please rectify that immediately.

All in all, last night was well worth staying up past my bedtime for.






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