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Saturday, August 27, 2005

Who Are The People In Your Neighborhood? 

Who knew that Mike Brock lives down the street? Or that Kathy Shaidle isn't as tall as she writes? Or that we have groupies??

Last night I joined the bunch down at the Bishop & Belcher on Queen Street, because I felt that it was time to put faces to names, and maybe give myself a face in the process. Anonymity may be safe, but it's boring and lonely, too.

Every couple of months, Bob Tarantino of Let It Bleed proposes a conservative blogger piss-up, and the herd flocks toward the smell of liquor. How annoying, that due to my latest medical woes, I am not permitted to partake. Oh well, Diet Coke makes for a cheaper bar tab, and lessens the likelihood of stripping on the bar. So off I went to face the public...

What an awesome bunch! I met people I have been reading for a long time - so long that I consider them to be celebrities. Does that make me one, too? Well, there was the groupie... but I digress. I had the pleasure of meeting the likes of Damian Brooks (very tall), Mike Brock, Kathy Shaidle, Paul Tuns, Brian Mertens (very pretty, btw), the very funny and smart Kateland from Last Amazon, and about a zillion others whose names I may never recall. Sam Goldstein, the Tory candidate for Trinity-Spadina was there, and we had a good chat.

I also met a man who - when they make the movie about us all - will be played by Michael Caine: David Warren. I am ashamed to admit that before last night, I had never heard of the man. I'm glad I know of him now. He writes for the Ottawa Citizen, and I will have to start reading him. Any man who makes me laugh is okay by me.

When I arrived, Kathy (in a t-shirt with Che Guevara on it, and the words "Murdering Bastard" under his image) announced that we would start a Catholic table at the back of the bar. She would take confession. Although it never came to that (thankfully!), we did get a little clique going, and held court, if you will. Krista, the groupie (and a good looking one, at that - I felt like Mick Jagger) joined us. As you would expect, with three women at one table, it wasn't long before the menfolk came to us. So much easier to mingle if you just wait for them to arrive and introduce themselves!

Though I didn't stay terribly late, I had a great time laughing and talking with everyone. It was reassuring to see that in this great big city of moonbats, I was not alone. Kathy and I didn't stop talking till the I got off the subway at my stop. It was very refreshing to talk to people who don't vote for corrupt governments or work for the CBC. I hope to have the opportunity to see them all again soon.






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