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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Leading Men 

Week after week, we debutantes of the Cotillion dance with un-named partners. Who are our ideal men? While I can's speak for my co-hostesses this week, Beth from MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Annika from Annika's Journal, and Dr. Sanity, for me the greatest dance partners are the men of Hollywood's yesteryear. They are the blue collar Stanley Kowalski, or the blue-eyed Newman. They are English, like Laurence Olivier, or French like Yves Montand.

Some of these men love us to the point of insanity; some of them are elusive, and won't let themselves be caught. The leading men of Hollywood's golden age were not metrosexuals, but real men.

Some were more soft-spoken than others, like Jimmy Stewart, but they were strong and silent, always eager to rescue their leading ladies, with never a thought to breaking a nail or mussing a perfect 'do. In today's age of Brad Pitt and Matt Damon, a pretty face is all you get. There are no heroes who rush off to war. There are only guys who leave their wives to rush off with Hollywood's ambassador to the UN. Ugh.

Beth at MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy uses White Trash Wednesday to poke fun at the idiots at NARAL, and their Screw Abstinance Party. After all, it's okay to screw around indiscriminantly if NARAL is there to end any unwanted pregnancies that may result.

Stacy from Not A Desperate Housewife asks you where your loyalties lie.

Sissy at Sisu discusses the attitude of the French:

Sacré bleu! We'll have that order of French Fries after all! Pipes offers a provocative explanation, putting French chauvinism in a new and flattering light:

The British have seemingly lost interest in their heritage while the French hold on to theirs; even as the British ban fox hunting, the French ban hijabs.

The former embraced multiculturalism, the latter retain a pride in their historic culture. This contrast in matters of identity makes Great Britain the Western country most vulnerable to the ravages of radical Islam, whereas France, for all its political failings, has retained a sense of self that may yet see it through.

What would Yves say about that? He would probably just shrug with that aristocratic insouciance he was known for, and order another martini, while debating whether or not to bed the petite poule at the next table.

While we're on the subject of the French, Merri from Merri Musings says that they can keep Roman Polanski. We don't want him!

The Maxed Out Mama gives us a lesson on what is and is not bigotry, and argues a little with an anonymous (they're always anonymous) commenter who judges her on the fact that she's from Georgia, and therefore must own slaves or something. Really, there's little wonder why these people don't post their names.

Charmaine from Reasoned Audacity talks about her experience at Edinburgh's Live 8 show, and ponders the question of whether or not a concert can eradicate poverty.

John Hinderaker and I talked before I left for the trip. We were both curious about whether or not the potential for a right-left convergence on this issue is real.

It could be. The boos of the Live8 crowd any time President Bush's name was mentioned left me skeptical. But in Bono and Geldof's praise for President Bush, George Clooney's refusals to accept bait to criticize the administration, and other obvious efforts to craft a coalition-building message, I saw a glimmer of potential.

Charmaine's photos are great, too. This is blogger journalism!

Portia Rediscovered has been over-achieving this week, and sends me two links: Weekend Nugget talks about the difference between the "torture" in Gitmo (i.e. wear panties on your head while talking to a hot female interrogator - sounds more like a frat party to me!), and the dirty deeds of Saddam Hussein's regime. Get a grip, people. That was real torture!
And Sad, Sad, Sad, Sad World is the ridiculous plan of the San Bernadino School Board to teach Ebonics in order to give black students a chance to get better grades. There is nothing I can say to this. It leaves me speechless, which is exactly what it's going to do to kids in San Bernadino!

Mamamontezz writes a beautiful poem for the fallen:

I do not know your names,
nor will I ever.
I only know that you are dead and gone,
casualties of war,
fallen heroes,
who's deeds will never be shared
except by those who were with you.

I do not know your families,
nor will I ever.
I only know that in the hours
and days
and months of their grief and anguish,
there is nothing that can be said to ease their pain.
Only their memories
and the knowledge of your courage
can soothe them
and give them solace.

Follow the link to read the whole thing, and some of her other poetry.

Little Miss Atilla also touches on the subject of bigotry, and "humor" that goes too far. Blackface? Is it ever okay? What about cross-dressing? What about depicting an entire race as animals? Yeah, that's going too far.

SondraK from Knowledge is Power reminds us that July 18th marks the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. In case you don't remember who she is, she was the young lady that Ted Kennedy left for dead after driving his car off a bridge.

Kathy from RightWingSparkle talks about the culture war in America, and the new gay television station. How can it be threatening to your kids if they don't even know what bondage means? Yikes! And she points out that the media will have you believe that groups like NARAL and NOW are the only women's organizations in America. Not so...

And last but most certainly not least, the inspiration for my leading man theme this week: Right Thinking Girl stays strong under burdens that would kill a lesser woman. She knows that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. So she's going to kiss Rick goodbye, and get on the plane with Victor Laszlo. But they'll always have Paris (unfortunately, in this case, it's Paris Hilton...).






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