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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Human Rights Be Damned 

Round 'em up and deport 'em. Good or bad, guilty or innocent: round 'em up and deport 'em. Does it not make more sense to inadvertantly deport an innocent person, than to allow a guilty one to murder hundreds of innocent people?

Back in WWII, Canada had internment camps for Japanese-Canadians. There has been much wringing of hands over it, and I'm sure it wasn't pretty, but it was war, not a garden party. Sometimes you have to do things like effect martial law (temporarily), or remove threatening persons from your country. Sometimes you need to invoke the Patriot Act.

I am sick to death of the left's "We hate America" and "Hug a Muslim Today" stupidity. The devil walks among us, and to the left, it simply serves to make us more "diverse". Diverse? You mean divided. I do not wish to be forced to celebrate a diversity that could kill me. I have no doubts that the cells operating in Scarborough, Ontario are just waiting for their moment. I have no doubts that the people responsible for London's attacks were living there, probably educated and working there, with families and a strong community presence. They may have even been born there.

The Democrats and the rest of the left complain about Bush and his Christianity. They don't understand that the killers have changed the rules. They are fighting a religious war. This isn't about money, or oil, or politics. They want to kill us because we're not Muslims. Hell, they kill other Muslims who aren't Islamic enough! We can't fight by the Geneva Convention. We can't fight by UN guidlines. We are being attacked because we do not pray to Allah. We are being attacked for democracy, for letting our women vote (it took a while, but we're proud of it), for women to work and contribute to society, for investing and borrowing with interest... these are hardly reasons to kill anyone. The West has gone through the era of political correctness, and we're no longer allowed to discriminate against a person or group based on their faith (except, apparently, Christains). But members of a particular faith are killing us, and we won't speak out against them.

In my office today, there has been the usual "Did you hear??" gossip about London. But no one is talking about who is responsible. Nobody wants to say it out loud - not just because they're afraid of Al Qaeda, but gecause they're afraid of being branded as bigots. If they blame Al Qaeda, they're being anti-Muslim. Or worse - pro-American. WTF?

They are all around us. They are in London, Spain and New York. They are in Bali. They are throughout the Middle East. They are maybe sitting right next to you at work. Why the fuck isn't it okay to say you're afraid of the swarthy, bearded man with the intense expresion? Why is it bigoted to be suspicious? Why is it racist to tighten security at airports? Why are you a bad person for not wanting to die? At some point, it stops being racial profiling, and starts being a description of the criminal. Enough is enough. I'm not going to reach out to my Muslim countrymen as they pay lip service to the killings in the name of their insane god and false prophet. Fuck you. You're not welcome in my country anymore.






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