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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Howard Moscoe is an Idiot 

I just wrote an email to the councilor responsible for the Toronto Transit Commission, regarding inappropriate remarks he made earlier today at a press conference.

Mr. Moscoe

I am writing because I feel ashamed at this moment that you - a high profile member of Toronto's council - were quoted in a press conference this afternoon making glib and catty remarks regarding the London attacks.

For you to say that "we have no troops to pull out of Iraq" and "the terrorists would have to find Toronto first" is disrespectful, condescending, and completely out of line.

In regards to your comment about Iraq, it leads to even more anti-Americanism, and it is already rampant here in Toronto. There is already a feeling that everything from the Crusades to a fender bender should be blamed on George Bush and America. Your remarks do not help. It also indicates that the blame for today's attacks rests with Tony Blair and the UK itself. Would you have the courage to say such things on the BBC? Please remember that you are a politician, and you are to behave in a more diplomatic way than you demonstrated to us today.

Your words about the terrorists finding their way to Toronto is a lark, when you consider the "diversity" that is oh so prized in this city. The remark also diminishes Toronto's importance on the world stage, as if it were a backwater that no one should bother with. Perhaps you should run for minister of tourism?

You owe the people of Toronto an apology, for it is by them you are employed. And you owe the people of London an apology for your crass and disrespectful behaviour. Remember that the United Kingdom is the home from which we sprang as Canadians, and there is little point in flying our flags at half-mast in their honour if our councillors and other public figures demean the occasion by hamming it up for the cameras.

Update: If anyone else would like to have a word with Mr. Moscoe regarding his utter stupidity, email him here: councillor_moscoe@toronto.ca






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