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Thursday, June 02, 2005

Religion of Peace Hit List 

I don't use my real name. I have considered it from time to time, especially as my traffic grows. After all, why shouldn't I be proud of my accomplishments here, and want to take credit for them? But I know I'm better this way. Really, if someone wanted to find me, they could, because my tracks are not completely covered, but I'm not about to advertise. After all, I am rather outspoken when it comes to issues surrounding Islam and terror. I make no secret of it. I had issues with those of Middle Eastern descent years before they flew our planes into our buildings, killing our people, and it had nothing to do with international terrorism. They were, shall we say, women's issues. Nearly a decade before Mohammed Atta and his band of sun-addled malcontents flew to Hell, I already knew that these people were bad.

Anyway, I am digressing. The point is that they are allowed to rape us and kill us en masse, but that if we so much as question the tenets of their "peaceful" religion, they will target us, riot, kill, maim, and attempt to destroy us. They call it Jihad, and when it is directed against an individual, they call it Fatwa. Call it whatever you want, they mean business, and they have a list.

Robert Spencer is on that list.

I don't ordinarily publicize threats I receive, and I had not originally planned to post this one. However, I ultimately decided to do so because I thought this one was noteworthy for several reasons: the mention of a "hit list" that is evidently well-known among the posters; the rabid anti-Semitism; the Qur'anic references; the forthright bloodlust; and the casual mixture of piety and murderousness that is common among jihad terrorists.

One poster put up my picture, with this underneath:

ROBERT SPENCER, the director of Jihad Watch, is a writer and researcher... http://www.jihadwatch.org/spencer/
To which one responded:

I believe he's already on the hit list, nothing new..

List? Am I on that list? Are you? What is this list? Is it a Muslim thing in general, or is it an Al Qaeda thing? Was Theo Van Gogh on it?

The day may come when I am willing to come clean about who Right Girl is (a book deal would help me decide!!), but that day is not today. Having said that, I really admire those of you on the right side of the blogosphere who use your real names. You have more guts than I do. And for those of you who don't (some of you I am lucky enough to know the names of regardless), I totally understand where you're coming from. We're not all as big or as high profile as Jihad Watch; then again, that means we're less likely to be missed if they begin picking us off one at a time for insulting their (as Regular Ron calls it) Comic Book Death Cult Religion.






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