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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Americans Have The Right In Power... 

...they just seem to keep forgetting about it.

From Right Thinking Girl:

Let's be honest: Conservatives are winning the battles but not the war. The Conservatives in office are acting like the minority party insead of doing the job that Americans sent them to office to do, which is to beat the everliving hell out of Democrats and their stupid ideas are so that they are left paralyzed and bleeding on the bar room floor for decades to come.

She has some suggestions:

1. When it comes time for the President to choose his judicial nominees, step off, leftist pinko. It's the President's right (and obligation) to see his ideals put into action in the judicial system. You don't like it, you can find a constitutional way to defeat the nominee, but you do not have the right to filibuster judicial nominees, and you sure as heck don't have the right to a court that is stacked with pinko moosefuckers like yourselves. Tip for the right: remind your leftist friends that this is not Burger King, you don't get it your way when the other party is in office. We sat through Clinton and Reno; it's payback time.

2. Do not allow the school system to teach your children sex ed. They will teach the girls how to give blowjobs (yet oddly enough, they do not have pussy eating class. Feminists should be outraged.) Instead of having little Nancy become the school slut because she's been sucking cock since the age of seven thanks to the public school system, opt your children out of the classes, and then talk to them about sex and its consequences at home. Tell them about birth control if you feel it's necessary. Be forwarned: allowing your child to be taught sex ed in public schools will teach them that cocksucking is as natural as breathing yet not really "sex" and abortion is a "birth control method."

Read it all. Heh. Moosefucker. That's going into my lexicon immediately. It's so Canadian. I wonder if she meant it that way?






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